Popular Bill Gates's Quotes And Sayings

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

Bill Gates

The present and future of knowledge attainment and essential business skills.

Bill Gates

Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.

Bill Gates

Computer science … jobs should be way more interesting than even going to Wall Street or being a lawyer--or, I can argue, than anything but perhaps biology, and there it's just a tie.

Bill Gates

India has over 20 percent of the kids born in the world. And they move around a lot.

Bill Gates

I hope someday what people can do with their lives depends on their talents and how hard they are willing to work, rather than on where they happen to be born.

Bill Gates

A bad strategy will fail no matter how good your information is. And lame execution will stymie a good strategy. If you do enough things poorly, you'll go out of business.

Bill Gates

Look At The Clock When You Are Sitting idle. But Never Look At The Clock When You Are Working.

Bill Gates

Don't wallow in failure. Instead, learn from it.

Bill Gates

If i will start all over again I would chose network marketing.

Bill Gates

The PC has improved the world in just about every area you can think of. Amazing developments in communications, collaboration and efficiencies. New kinds of entertainment and social media. Access to information and the ability to give a voice people who would never have been heard.

Bill Gates

My parents are very successful, and I went to the nicest private school in the Seattle area. I was lucky. But I never had any trust funds of any kind, though my dad did pay my tuition at Harvard, which was quite expensive.

Bill Gates

I believe innovation is the most powerful force for change in the world. People who are pessimistic about the future tend to extrapolate from the present in a straight line. But innovation fundamentally shifts the trajectory of development.

Bill Gates

The world today has 6.8 billion people...that's headed up to about 9 billion. If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.

Bill Gates

A great lathe operator commands several times the wage of an average lathe operator, but a great writer of software code is worth 10,000 times the price of an average software writer.

Bill Gates

Well-spent aid money is saving lives for a few thousand dollars per life saved.

Bill Gates

Research shows that there is only half as much variation in student achievement between schools as there is among classrooms in the same school. If you want your child to get the best education possible, it is actually more important to get him assigned to a great teacher than to a great school.

Bill Gates

Make it just like a Mac.

Bill Gates

Good programmers stay open minded to that even though there is no obvious way to improve what they've done they... they keep looking and they listen to what other people have to say.

Bill Gates

Capitalism has shortfalls. It doesn't necessarily take care of the poor, and it underfunds innovation, so we have to offset that.

Bill Gates

If I had a dollar for every time someone made fun of me in high school-oh wait, I do!

Bill Gates

If something's expensive to develop, and somebody's not going to get paid, it won't get developed. So you decide: Do you want software to be written, or not?

Bill Gates

Know your numbers' is a fundamental precept of business.

Bill Gates

We all learn best in our own ways. Some people do better studying one subject at a time, while some do better studying three things at once. Some people do best studying in structured, linear way, while others do best jumping around, surrounding a subject rather than traversing it. Some people prefer to learn by manipulating models, and others by reading.

Bill Gates

By 2035, there will be almost no poor countries left in the world.

Bill Gates

I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one.

Bill Gates

Technology is unlocking the innate compassion we have for our fellow human beings.

Bill Gates

To be born poor is not our fault, but to die poor is crime

Bill Gates

The leader needs to create an environment in which people can analyze the situation and develop a good response.

Bill Gates

Software will get to be somewhat more mature, ah, but it will never be as predictable as most areas of engineering.

Bill Gates

Convert bad news to good news.

Bill Gates

I have $100 billion... You realize I could spend $3 million a day, every day, for the next 100 years? And that's if I don't make another dime.

Bill Gates

You need to understand things in order to invent beyond them.

Bill Gates

If your goal is to make the world a better place, one thing you can do is pick a specific challenge that you really care about. Then, learn as much as you can about it and try to volunteer your time to help an organization that is working in this area. While you're doing that, look for creative new ways to use technology to tackle parts of the problem that you come in contact with.

Bill Gates

I'm not an educator ... I'm a learner.

Bill Gates

My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things.

Bill Gates

When you have money in hand,only you forget who are you .But when you do not have any money in your hand,the whole world forget who you are.It's life.

Bill Gates

Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.

Bill Gates

I was a kind of hyper-intense person in my twenties and very impatient.

Bill Gates

I work hard because I love my work.

Bill Gates

If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business.

Bill Gates

The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Bill Gates

When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft over 30 years ago, we had big dreams about software. We had dreams about the impact it could have.

Bill Gates

There's only one trick in software, and that is using a piece of software that's already been written.

Bill Gates

Once you embrace unpleasant news, not as a negative but as evidence of a need for change, you aren't defeated by it. You're learning from it.

Bill Gates

Who decides what's in Windows? The customers who buy it.

Bill Gates

We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction.

Bill Gates

Analytical software enables you to shift human resources from rote data collection to value-added customer service and support where the human touch makes a profound difference.

Bill Gates

I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.

Bill Gates

The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competitors, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose.

Bill Gates

If we can find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that generate profits for business and votes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce inequity in the world. This task is open-ended. It can never be finished. But a conscious effort to answer this challenge will change the world.

Bill Gates

Our vision, which has not changed since the day the company was founded.

Bill Gates

Whether it's Google or Apple or free software, we've got some fantastic competitors and it keeps us on our toes.

Bill Gates

Setting clear goals and finding measures that will mark progress toward them can improve the human condition.

Bill Gates

We all have the chance to create a world where extreme poverty is the exception rather than the rule.

Bill Gates

I realized about 10 years ago that my wealth has to go back to society. A fortune, the size of which is hard to imagine, is best not passed on to one's children. It's not constructive for them.

Bill Gates

Improving the health & productivity of the poorest is one of the best investments you can make in the future of the world

Bill Gates

Living on $6 a day means you have a refrigerator, a TV, a cell phone, your children can go to school. That's not possible on $1 a day.

Bill Gates

Life is not a continuous process, there's some sort of finite number of achievements that defines your life.

Bill Gates

Billionaires should never be responsible for solving problems, because they're not the government.

Bill Gates

I definitely think leaving kids massive amounts of money is not a favor to them.

Bill Gates

Banking is necessary - banks are not.

Bill Gates

Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Bill Gates

Software is the magic thing whose importance only goes up over time.

Bill Gates

It's pretty amazing to go from a world where computers were unheard of and very complex to where they're a tool of everyday life.

Bill Gates

I studied every thing but never topped.... But today the toppers of the best universities are my employees

Bill Gates

If I'd had some set idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?

Bill Gates

The intersection of law, politics, and technology is going to force a lot of good thinking.

Bill Gates

My dream is that every child has enough food to eat, good medical care, and the chance to go to school and even attend college.

Bill Gates

Take our 20 best people away, and I will tell you that Microsoft will become an unimportant company

Bill Gates

When you have a product that has zero sales, it is easy for people to say whatever they want about it and almost fantasize about it.

Bill Gates

The computer will live your life, listen to you and understand you better than humans can.

Bill Gates

For one thing, there's an essential human factor in every business endeavor. It doesn't matter if you have a perfect product, production plan and marketing pitch; you'll still need the right people to lead and implement those plans.

Bill Gates

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

Bill Gates

Software was the key element that would determine how useable and how broadly applicable the machine was.

Bill Gates

The world needs banking but it does not need banks.

Bill Gates

The information society should serve all of its citizens, not only the technically sophisticated and economically privileged.

Bill Gates

We make the future sustainable when we invest in the poor, not when we insist on their suffering.

Bill Gates

Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Bill Gates

I hope you will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone, but also on how well you have addressed the world's deepest inequities...on how well you treated people a world away who have nothing in common with you but your humanity.

Bill Gates

If you give people tools, and they use their natural abilities and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected.

Bill Gates

The greatest thing you can do for your competition - hire poorly.

Bill Gates

Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not.

Bill Gates

Don't let complexity stop you. Be activists. Take on the big inequities. It will be one of the great experiences of your lives.

Bill Gates

Five years from now on the Web for free you’ll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better than any single university.

Bill Gates

Microsoft has long hired based on IQ and "intellectual bandwidth."

Bill Gates

Leaders are those who empower others.

Bill Gates

Being flooded with information doesn't mean we have the right information or that we're in touch with the right people.

Bill Gates

I think of myself as a global citizen.

Bill Gates

People always fear change. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn't they?

Bill Gates

I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.

Bill Gates

I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.

Bill Gates

Microsoft has had many, many successful products. I'm committed to one company. This is the industry I've decided to work in.

Bill Gates

If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented, and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete standstill today.

Bill Gates

By helping us to be more productive, technology lets us to spend less time focusing on survival, and more on solving other challenges.

Bill Gates

It’s been proven that of all the interventions to reduce poverty, improving agricultural productivity is the best.

Bill Gates

in china when you're one in a million, there are 1300 people just like you

Bill Gates

Don’t tax my income, tax my consumption.

Bill Gates

The U.S. couldn't even get rid of Saddam Hussein. And we all know that the EU is just a passing fad. They'll be killing each other again in less than a year. I'm sick to death of all these fascist lawsuits.

Bill Gates

You have a meeting to make a decision, not to decide on the question.

Bill Gates