> National Holidays > Venezuela

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Venezuela


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Friday Jan 06,2023 The Three Wise Men Day Observance
Friday Jan 06,2023 The Three Wise Men Day Bank holiday
Monday Jan 09,2023 Three Kings Day Holiday Bank holiday
Saturday Jan 14,2023 Divina Pastora Day Observance
Monday Feb 20,2023 Carnival / Shrove Monday National holiday
Tuesday Feb 21,2023 Carnival / Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day National holiday
Sunday Mar 19,2023 Saint Joseph's Day Observance
Sunday Apr 02,2023 Palm Sunday Observance, Christian
Thursday Apr 06,2023 Maundy Thursday National holiday, Christian
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday National holiday, Christian
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Observance, Christian
Wednesday Apr 19,2023 Declaration of Independence National holiday
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day / May Day National holiday
Thursday May 18,2023 Ascension Day Observance
Monday May 22,2023 Ascension Day Holiday Bank holiday
Thursday Jun 08,2023 Corpus Christi Observance
Monday Jun 12,2023 Corpus Christi Holiday Bank holiday
Tuesday Jun 13,2023 St Anthony's Day Observance
Monday Jun 19,2023 St Anthony's Day Holiday Bank holiday
Saturday Jun 24,2023 Carabobo Battle National holiday
Thursday Jun 29,2023 Saint Peter and Saint Paul Observance
Monday Jul 03,2023 Saint Peter and Saint Paul Holiday Bank holiday
Wednesday Jul 05,2023 Independence Day National holiday
Monday Jul 24,2023 Simón Bolívar's Birthday National holiday
Thursday Aug 03,2023 Flag's Day Observance
Friday Aug 04,2023 National Guard's Day Observance
Monday Aug 14,2023 Assumption of Mary Holiday Bank holiday
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 Assumption of Mary Observance
Monday Sep 11,2023 Our Lady of Coromoto Bank holiday
Thursday Oct 12,2023 Day of Indigenous Resistance National holiday
Thursday Oct 26,2023 Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Day Observance
Monday Oct 30,2023 Holiday for Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Day Bank holiday
Wednesday Nov 01,2023 All Saints Day Observance
Thursday Nov 02,2023 All Souls Day Observance
Monday Nov 06,2023 All Saints Day Holiday Bank holiday
Saturday Nov 18,2023 Day of the Virgin of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá Observance
Monday Nov 27,2023 Aviation Day Observance
Friday Dec 08,2023 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Observance
Monday Dec 11,2023 Holiday for Feast of the Immaculate Conception Bank holiday
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve National holiday, Christian
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday, Christian
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve National holiday
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, known as "Año Nuevo" in Venezuela, is a joyous celebration marking the beginning of the new year. Venezuelans gather with family and friends to welcome the year ahead with fireworks, music, and festive parties. It's a time for making resolutions and setting positive intentions for the future. The holiday holds cultural significance as it symbolizes fresh starts and renewed hope for a brighter future.

The Three Wise Men Day

The Three Wise Men Day, or "Día de los Reyes Magos," is celebrated on January 6th in Venezuela. This holiday commemorates the arrival of the Three Wise Men who visited baby Jesus. Venezuelans often exchange gifts and share a special sweet bread called "Rosca de Reyes." It's a day of joy and generosity, emphasizing the importance of giving to others. The holiday reflects Venezuela's strong Catholic heritage and its cultural emphasis on family and community.

Three Kings Day Holiday

Three Kings Day Holiday is an extension of the celebration of the Three Wise Men. It is a time for families to come together, share a festive meal, and continue the spirit of giving. Many communities organize parades and processions featuring people dressed as the Three Kings. This holiday fosters a sense of unity and religious devotion among Venezuelans.

Divina Pastora Day

Divina Pastora Day is dedicated to the Virgin Mary under the title of "Divina Pastora," the Divine Shepherdess. Pilgrims from across Venezuela flock to the town of Barquisimeto to honor the Virgin with a massive procession. This religious event showcases Venezuela's deep faith and devotion to the Virgin Mary. It's a unique cultural experience where faith, tradition, and community converge.

Carnival / Shrove Monday

Carnival in Venezuela is a vibrant and lively celebration, with Shrove Monday kicking off the festivities. People participate in colorful parades, wear elaborate costumes, and dance to traditional music. Carnival represents a time of indulgence before the solemnity of Lent. It's an essential cultural event, reflecting Venezuela's love for music, dance, and lively street celebrations.

Carnival / Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day

Shrove Tuesday, known as "Martes de Carnaval" in Venezuela, is another exciting day during Carnival. It's a time for feasting on pancakes and participating in various carnival activities. Venezuelans take pride in their unique Carnival traditions, which blend African, Indigenous, and European influences. This holiday showcases the rich tapestry of Venezuelan culture.

Saint Joseph's Day

Saint Joseph's Day, "Día de San José," is a religious holiday dedicated to Saint Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of family and fatherhood. Venezuelans attend church services and engage in acts of charity on this day. It underscores the cultural value of faith, family, and community in Venezuelan society.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday, "Domingo de Ramos," marks the beginning of Holy Week in Venezuela. It commemorates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Venezuelans attend church services, carrying palm branches as a symbol of peace and renewal. This holiday signifies the start of a significant religious period and highlights the deep-rooted Christian beliefs within the culture.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday, "Jueves Santo," is observed during Holy Week as a time to remember the Last Supper of Jesus. It is a day of reflection and religious observance, with many Venezuelans attending church services and participating in processions. This holiday underscores the spiritual importance of faith and sacrifice in the culture.

Good Friday

Good Friday, "Viernes Santo," is a solemn day of remembrance of Jesus' crucifixion. It is a day of fasting and reflection, with church services held throughout Venezuela. Good Friday highlights the central role of Christianity and Jesus' sacrifice in the cultural and religious identity of the country.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday, "Domingo de Resurrección," celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Venezuelans attend sunrise church services and partake in festive meals with family and friends. This holiday represents the triumph of hope and new life, reinforcing the cultural significance of Christianity in Venezuela.

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence, "Día de la Independencia," commemorates Venezuela's independence from Spain on July 5, 1811. Venezuelans celebrate with patriotic parades, music, and fireworks. This holiday holds profound cultural importance as it symbolizes the nation's sovereignty and the enduring spirit of freedom and democracy.

Labor Day / May Day

Labor Day, known as "Día del Trabajador" or "Día de los Trabajadores," is a global celebration of workers' rights and achievements. In Venezuela, it's a day to recognize the contributions of the labor force and the importance of workers' rights. It emphasizes solidarity and the cultural value of fair labor practices.

Ascension Day

Ascension Day, "Día de la Ascensión," commemorates the ascension of Jesus into heaven. It is a Christian holiday marked by church services and processions. Ascension Day underscores the deep religious traditions in Venezuela and the role of faith in the culture.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is a Catholic holiday celebrated with processions and church services. It honors the Eucharist and the body of Christ. Venezuelans take part in religious processions, reinforcing the cultural significance of Catholicism in the country.

St Anthony's Day

St Anthony's Day, "Día de San Antonio," commemorates Saint Anthony of Padua. Venezuelans seek his intercession in finding love and partners. Many towns hold festivals with music and dancing. This holiday combines religious devotion with cultural traditions related to love and matchmaking.

St Anthony's Day Holiday

St Anthony's Day Holiday extends the celebrations of St Anthony, emphasizing the cultural value placed on love and relationships in Venezuelan society. It is a day of hope and romantic aspirations, with various customs and festivities dedicated to love.

Carabobo Battle

Carabobo Battle Day commemorates the Battle of Carabobo, a decisive conflict in Venezuela's struggle for independence. Venezuelans honor the bravery of those who fought for freedom with parades and historical reenactments. This holiday signifies the country's historical heritage and the sacrifices made for independence.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul

Saint Peter and Saint Paul Day, "Día de San Pedro y San Pablo," is a religious holiday honoring these apostles. Venezuelans attend church services and participate in local traditions and processions. It reflects the cultural significance of faith and religious figures in the country.

Independence Day

Independence Day, "Día de la Independencia," celebrates Venezuela's independence from Spanish colonial rule on July 24, 1823. Venezuelans mark this day with patriotic pride, parades, and cultural events that highlight their rich history and enduring commitment to freedom.

Simón Bolívar's Birthday

Simón Bolívar's Birthday, "Día del Natalicio de Simón Bolívar," commemorates the birth of the national hero who played a pivotal role in Latin American independence. Venezuelans honor Bolívar's legacy with ceremonies, educational activities, and cultural programs, highlighting his influence on the nation's history and identity.

Flag's Day

Flag's Day, "Día de la Bandera," celebrates the national flag of Venezuela. Schools and communities hold flag-raising ceremonies, educational activities, and patriotic events to instill a sense of national pride and unity. This holiday underscores the importance of national symbols and identity.

National Guard's Day

National Guard's Day, "Día de la Guardia Nacional," pays tribute to the country's National Guard. Venezuelans honor the dedication and service of the National Guard with parades and official ceremonies. It emphasizes the role of security forces in maintaining peace and stability in the nation.

Assumption of Mary

The Assumption of Mary, "Asunción de la Virgen," is a religious holiday commemorating the belief that Mary was taken into heaven. Venezuelans attend church services, processions, and events to honor the Virgin Mary. It reflects the deep-seated religious devotion and cultural significance of Mary in the country.

Our Lady of Coromoto

Our Lady of Coromoto, "Virgen de Coromoto," is Venezuela's patron saint. Venezuelans celebrate her feast day with religious processions and ceremonies. This holiday symbolizes the strong bond between the Virgin Mary and the people of Venezuela, highlighting the cultural importance of faith and devotion.

Day of Indigenous Resistance

Day of Indigenous Resistance, "Día de la Resistencia Indígena," is a day to honor and remember the indigenous peoples of Venezuela and their struggles. It emphasizes the country's indigenous heritage and the importance of recognizing and preserving indigenous cultures.

Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Day

Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Day celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, a beloved Venezuelan physician and religious figure. Venezuelans visit his shrine and seek his intercession for healing and miracles. This holiday reflects the cultural blend of faith and healthcare in the country.

Holiday for Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Day

The Holiday for Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Day extends the celebrations dedicated to this revered figure. It emphasizes the cultural significance of faith, hope, and healing in Venezuelan society.

All Saints Day

All Saints Day, "Día de Todos los Santos," is a Christian holiday honoring all the saints. Venezuelans visit cemeteries to pay respects to their loved ones and saints. This holiday blends religious observance with cultural traditions surrounding death and remembrance.

All Souls Day

All Souls Day, "Día de los Difuntos," is a day to remember and pray for the souls of the departed. Venezuelans visit cemeteries, light candles, and offer prayers for their loved ones. It reflects the cultural significance of honoring the deceased and the continuity of family bonds beyond death.

All Saints Day Holiday

All Saints Day Holiday extends the celebrations of All Saints Day, emphasizing the cultural value of remembering and honoring the saints and deceased loved ones. It's a day that bridges faith and cultural traditions related to death and remembrance.

Day of the Virgin of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá

The Day of the Virgin of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá, "Día de la Virgen de Chiquinquirá," celebrates the patron saint of Zulia state. Venezuelans participate in processions, church services, and cultural events to honor the Virgin. It highlights the cultural diversity of religious devotion across regions in Venezuela.

Aviation Day

Aviation Day, "Día de la Aviación," commemorates the contributions of aviation to Venezuela's development. Venezuelans honor aviation pioneers and attend air shows and exhibitions. This holiday underscores the cultural importance of technological progress and innovation in the country.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, "Inmaculada Concepción," celebrates the belief that Mary was conceived without original sin. Venezuelans attend church services and participate in processions to honor the Virgin Mary. It reflects the cultural significance of Mary's purity and her role in Venezuelan Catholicism.

Holiday for Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The Holiday for Feast of the Immaculate Conception extends the celebrations dedicated to the Virgin Mary's purity and immaculate conception. It emphasizes the cultural value of faith and devotion in Venezuelan society.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, "Nochebuena," is a cherished holiday when Venezuelans gather with family for a festive meal, sing Christmas carols, and attend midnight Mass. It represents the cultural importance of family, togetherness, and the birth of Jesus.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, "Día de Navidad," celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Venezuelans exchange gifts, enjoy traditional holiday foods like hallacas, and share the joy of the season with loved ones. It underscores the cultural significance of Christmas as a time of love, generosity, and faith.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, "Nochevieja," is a festive night of parties, fireworks, and celebrations to welcome the new year. Venezuelans bid farewell to the old year and make wishes for the future. It represents the cultural significance of optimism, renewal, and the hope for a brighter tomorrow.