Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Benin


Embark on a captivating journey through the vibrant tapestry of national holidays in Benin. From the colorful festivities of Independence Day to the rich traditions of Vodoun celebrations, immerse yourself in the cultural mosaic that defines this West African nation. Discover the rhythmic beats, mouthwatering cuisine, and heartfelt rituals that mark each holiday, offering a glimpse into the soul of Benin's heritage.

Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year Public Holiday
Tuesday Jan 10,2023 Vodoun Festival Public Holiday
Monday Jan 16,2023 Day of Remembrance National Day
Tuesday Feb 28,2023 People's Sovereignty Day National Day
Wednesday Mar 08,2023 Women's Day National Day
Thursday Mar 23,2023 Ramadan Start Observance
Monday Apr 10,2023 Easter Monday Public Holiday
Friday Apr 21,2023 Korité Public Holiday
Monday May 01,2023 Labour Day Public Holiday
Sunday May 14,2023 Mother's Day Observance
Thursday May 18,2023 Ascension Day Public Holiday
Monday May 29,2023 Whit Monday Public Holiday
Sunday Jun 18,2023 Father's Day Observance
Wednesday Jun 28,2023 Tabaski Public Holiday
Tuesday Aug 01,2023 Independence Day Public Holiday
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 Assumption of Mary Public Holiday
Wednesday Sep 27,2023 Maouloud (Tentative Date) Public Holiday
Wednesday Nov 01,2023 All Saints' Day Public Holiday
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day Public Holiday
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year

New Year in Benin is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. It marks the beginning of a fresh year and a time for people to make resolutions for the year ahead. It is a day filled with celebrations, parties, and fireworks. Families and friends come together to welcome the New Year with traditional dishes and music. It's a time to let go of the past and embrace new opportunities.

Vodoun Festival

The Vodoun Festival is a unique and vibrant celebration in Benin that honors the country's rich cultural heritage. Vodoun, also known as Voodoo, is an integral part of Benin's history and culture. During this festival, people pay homage to their ancestors and various deities through colorful ceremonies, dance, and music. It's a time when the spiritual and cultural significance of Vodoun takes center stage, connecting the past with the present.

Day of Remembrance

The Day of Remembrance in Benin is a solemn occasion dedicated to honoring the memory of those who have passed away. Families visit cemeteries to pay their respects, clean and decorate graves, and hold ceremonies to remember their loved ones. It's a day of reflection and a reminder of the importance of cherishing the memories of those who are no longer with us.

People's Sovereignty Day

People's Sovereignty Day celebrates the nation's commitment to democracy and self-governance. It commemorates the Beninese people's struggle for independence and the establishment of a democratic government. This day is marked with parades, speeches, and cultural events that showcase Benin's dedication to sovereignty and self-determination. It's a time to reflect on the value of democracy and the ongoing effort to protect and uphold it.

Women's Day

Women's Day in Benin is a day to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in the country. It highlights the importance of gender equality and women's rights. Various events, seminars, and workshops are organized to empower women and raise awareness about gender issues. It's a day to acknowledge the vital role that women play in the social, economic, and political development of Benin.

Ramadan Start

Ramadan Start marks the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan in Benin. It is a significant religious holiday observed by Muslims. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, refraining from food and drink. It's a time for spiritual reflection, increased prayer, and acts of charity. This month holds great cultural importance as it fosters a sense of community and strengthens the bonds among Muslim families in Benin.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday is celebrated in Benin as the day after Easter Sunday. It is a Christian holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. People attend church services, participate in egg hunts, and enjoy festive meals with family and friends. The holiday is a symbol of hope and new beginnings, emphasizing the significance of faith in the lives of the Beninese people.


Korité, also known as Eid al-Fitr, is a joyous Islamic holiday celebrated at the end of Ramadan. It is a time of feasting and gratitude, as Muslims break their month-long fast. Families come together for special prayers at the mosque, exchange gifts, and share delicious meals. Korité is a cultural celebration that strengthens the bonds of community and emphasizes the values of compassion and generosity.

Labour Day

Labour Day in Benin is a day dedicated to honoring the country's workforce and the contributions of laborers. It is a time to recognize the importance of workers' rights and the role of labor unions in advocating for fair working conditions. Parades and demonstrations take place across the country to raise awareness of labor-related issues. It's an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the labor movement and highlight the ongoing struggles for workers' rights.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a heartfelt celebration of mothers and motherhood in Benin. It's a day to express love and gratitude to mothers for their unwavering support and care. Families often prepare special meals and give gifts to their mothers, and children create handmade cards. It's a day to cherish the maternal bond and recognize the pivotal role that mothers play in nurturing and shaping the lives of their children.

Ascension Day

Ascension Day is a Christian holiday in Benin that commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. It is observed 40 days after Easter Sunday. On this day, Christians attend church services and participate in processions and religious gatherings. Ascension Day holds cultural significance as it reaffirms the Christian faith and the belief in the divine nature of Jesus.

Whit Monday

Whit Monday, also known as Pentecost Monday, is a Christian holiday celebrated in Benin. It falls on the day after Pentecost, which is 50 days after Easter. This holiday marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. It is observed with church services, prayers, and gatherings. Whit Monday is a time to reflect on the spiritual significance of the Holy Spirit and its role in the Christian faith.

Father's Day

Father's Day in Benin is a day to honor and appreciate fathers and father figures. Families celebrate by spending quality time with their fathers, giving them gifts, and expressing gratitude for their guidance and support. It's a day to recognize the importance of paternal love and the positive impact that fathers have on their children's lives.


Tabaski, also known as Eid al-Adha, is a significant Islamic holiday in Benin. It commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. Families sacrifice animals such as sheep or goats and share the meat with relatives and those in need. Tabaski emphasizes the values of sacrifice, charity, and community solidarity, reinforcing the cultural and religious ties among Muslims in Benin.

Independence Day

Independence Day is a momentous occasion in Benin, celebrating the country's liberation from colonial rule. On this day, parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and cultural performances take place throughout the nation. It's a time to reflect on the struggles and sacrifices made by the Beninese people to achieve independence and to embrace the sovereignty and unity of the nation.

Assumption of Mary

The Assumption of Mary is a Christian holiday in Benin that honors the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken into heaven. It is a day of religious significance, with church services and processions held to commemorate this event. The holiday reflects the deep spiritual and cultural ties between the Christian community in Benin and their faith in the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Maouloud (Tentative Date)

Maouloud, also known as Mawlid al-Nabi, is the celebration of the birth of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It is observed with prayers, processions, and gatherings in Benin. The exact date may vary, as it is based on the Islamic lunar calendar. Maouloud holds cultural importance as it brings together the Muslim community to honor the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad and to strengthen their faith and unity.

All Saints' Day

All Saints' Day is a Christian holiday in Benin that honors all the saints and martyrs. It is a day to remember and pray for the souls of the departed. People visit cemeteries, light candles, and attend church services to pay tribute to the saints. All Saints' Day highlights the cultural and religious significance of the saints in the lives of the Beninese Christian community.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day in Benin is a festive holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time for joy, giving, and togetherness. Families exchange gifts, attend midnight Mass, and enjoy special meals. The holiday is marked by colorful decorations, music, and the spirit of goodwill. Christmas Day underscores the cultural and religious significance of Christianity in Benin, bringing communities together to share in the joy of the season.