> National Holidays > Tuvalu

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Tuvalu


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day Public Holiday
Monday Jan 02,2023 Day off for New Year's Day Public Holiday
Monday Mar 13,2023 Commonwealth Day Public Holiday
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday Public Holiday
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Observance
Monday Apr 10,2023 Easter Monday Public Holiday
Monday May 15,2023 Gospel Day Public Holiday
Saturday Jun 10,2023 Anniversary of the Birthday of the Sovereign Public Holiday
Monday Aug 07,2023 National Children's Day Public Holiday
Sunday Oct 01,2023 Tuvalu Day Public Holiday
Monday Oct 02,2023 Day off for Tuvalu Day Public Holiday
Monday Oct 02,2023 Tuvalu Day Holiday Public Holiday
Tuesday Oct 03,2023 Day off for Tuvalu Day Holiday Public Holiday
Monday Nov 13,2023 Heir to the Throne's Birthday Public Holiday
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day Public Holiday
Tuesday Dec 26,2023 Boxing Day Public Holiday
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day in Tuvalu marks the beginning of the year with joyous celebrations. It's a time for reflection, setting resolutions, and spending quality time with loved ones. This holiday holds cultural importance as it symbolizes hope, fresh starts, and the unity of Tuvaluans in embracing the future.

Commonwealth Day

Commonwealth Day is celebrated in Tuvalu to commemorate its membership in the Commonwealth of Nations. This day showcases Tuvalu's commitment to international cooperation and diplomacy. It reflects the country's identity as a proud member of the global community and highlights its shared values and goals with other Commonwealth nations.

Good Friday

Good Friday is a solemn Christian holiday observed in Tuvalu. It marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and is a day of reflection, prayer, and religious observance for the Christian community. The holiday holds deep cultural significance as it reinforces Tuvalu's Christian faith and values, which play a central role in the lives of many Tuvaluans.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday follows Good Friday and is a joyous celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection. Tuvaluans attend church services, exchange gifts, and enjoy festive meals with family and friends. This holiday emphasizes the importance of faith and renewal in Tuvalu's culture, bringing people together in gratitude and celebration.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday extends the Easter celebrations in Tuvalu, providing an additional day for relaxation and family gatherings. It offers an opportunity for Tuvaluans to enjoy quality time with loved ones and strengthen bonds. This holiday emphasizes the significance of family and togetherness in Tuvaluan culture.

Gospel Day

Gospel Day in Tuvalu is a special day dedicated to celebrating the Christian gospel and its influence on the nation. It includes church services, gospel singing, and religious gatherings. This holiday highlights the deep spiritual connection that Tuvaluans have with Christianity and the role it plays in shaping their cultural identity.

Anniversary of the Birthday of the Sovereign

The Anniversary of the Birthday of the Sovereign is a day of national pride and unity in Tuvalu. It honors the reigning British monarch's birthday and underscores Tuvalu's status as a constitutional monarchy. This holiday reflects Tuvalu's historical ties with the British monarchy and its continued commitment to the Commonwealth.

National Children's Day

National Children's Day in Tuvalu celebrates the nation's young ones and their importance to its future. It includes various activities and events focused on children's well-being and education. This holiday highlights the value Tuvalu places on its youth and the efforts to nurture and protect its youngest citizens.

Tuvalu Day

Tuvalu Day is a patriotic holiday that commemorates the nation's independence from the United Kingdom in 1978. It's a day of national pride, parades, cultural performances, and traditional food. This holiday is central to Tuvalu's cultural identity as it marks its sovereignty and the strength of its people.

Tuvalu Day Holiday

Tuvalu Day Holiday extends the celebrations of Tuvalu Day, allowing citizens to enjoy an additional day of festivities and relaxation. It reinforces the significance of Tuvalu's independence and the unity of its people in safeguarding their nation's sovereignty.

Heir to the Throne's Birthday

The Heir to the Throne's Birthday honors the birthday of the heir apparent to the British throne. While not unique to Tuvalu, it reflects the nation's ties to the British monarchy. This holiday underscores Tuvalu's role as a constitutional monarchy within the Commonwealth and its continued allegiance to the British Crown.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day in Tuvalu is a cherished holiday celebrated with religious services, feasts, gift-giving, and joyful festivities. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is a time for family reunions. This holiday showcases the importance of faith, love, and togetherness in Tuvalu's culture and the universal spirit of Christmas.

Boxing Day

Boxing Day follows Christmas and is a day for relaxation, sports, and acts of charity in Tuvalu. It emphasizes the value of giving, kindness, and community involvement. This holiday reflects Tuvalu's commitment to helping those in need and extending the spirit of goodwill beyond the Christmas celebration.