> National Holidays > Romania

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Romania


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Monday Jan 02,2023 Day after New Year's Day National holiday
Friday Jan 06,2023 Epiphany Observance, Orthodox
Saturday Jan 07,2023 Synaxis of St. John the Baptist Observance
Tuesday Jan 24,2023 Unification Day National holiday
Sunday Feb 19,2023 Constantin Brancusi Day Observance
Friday Feb 24,2023 Dragobete Observance
Wednesday Mar 01,2023 Mărțișor Observance
Wednesday Mar 08,2023 International Women's Day Observance
Friday Apr 14,2023 Orthodox Good Friday National holiday, Orthodox
Sunday Apr 16,2023 Orthodox Easter Day National holiday, Orthodox
Monday Apr 17,2023 Orthodox Easter Monday National holiday, Orthodox
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day / May Day National holiday
Sunday May 07,2023 Mother's Day Observance
Wednesday May 10,2023 Monarchy Day Observance
Wednesday May 10,2023 National Independence Day Observance
Sunday May 14,2023 Father's Day Observance
Thursday May 25,2023 Orthodox Ascension Day Observance, Orthodox
Thursday Jun 01,2023 Children's Day National holiday
Sunday Jun 04,2023 Orthodox Pentecost National holiday, Orthodox
Monday Jun 05,2023 Orthodox Pentecost Monday National holiday, Orthodox
Monday Jun 26,2023 Flag Day Observance
Saturday Jul 29,2023 National Anthem Day Observance
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 St Mary's Day National holiday
Tuesday Oct 31,2023 Halloween Observance
Thursday Nov 30,2023 St Andrew's Day National holiday
Friday Dec 01,2023 National Day National holiday
Friday Dec 08,2023 Constitution Day Observance
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve Observance
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday
Tuesday Dec 26,2023 Second day of Christmas National holiday
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Observance
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, known as "Anul Nou" in Romania, marks the beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. It's a time for people to celebrate with fireworks, parties, and festive gatherings, bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new one with hopes and resolutions. It is a universal celebration cherished by Romanians as a fresh start and an occasion for joy and reflection.


Epiphany, also called "Botezul Domnului" in Romanian, commemorates the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. This religious holiday is celebrated with a special church service, and it is customary to bless water to purify and protect homes. Epiphany holds cultural significance as it emphasizes the importance of faith and spirituality in Romanian society.

Synaxis of St. John the Baptist

The Synaxis of St. John the Baptist, known as "Soborul Sfântului Ioan Botezătorul," is observed to honor the life and mission of John the Baptist. Romanians may attend church services and reflect on John's role in preparing the way for Jesus. This holiday highlights the significance of religious figures and their contributions to the Christian faith.

Unification Day

Unification Day, or "Ziua Unirii," celebrates the union of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with Romania in 1918. This day is a symbol of national unity and freedom, marked by various ceremonies and events. It serves as a reminder of the importance of solidarity and sovereignty in Romanian history.

Constantin Brancusi Day

Constantin Brâncuși Day is dedicated to the renowned Romanian sculptor, Constantin Brâncuși, celebrated on his birthday. It honors his artistic contributions, with exhibitions and events showcasing his innovative sculptures. Brâncuși's work represents cultural excellence and the impact of art on society.


Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday associated with love and the arrival of spring. Celebrated on February 24th, young people engage in customs and rituals to express their affection for one another. Dragobete emphasizes the importance of love and courtship in Romanian culture, promoting connections and relationships.


Mărțișor is a charming spring holiday observed on March 1st. People exchange small red and white trinkets, called "mărțișoare," as symbols of good luck and the approaching spring. This tradition has deep cultural roots, signifying the renewal of nature and the hope for a prosperous year ahead. Mărțișor celebrates the beauty of nature and the changing seasons.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day, or "Ziua Internațională a Femeii," is celebrated worldwide on March 8th to honor the achievements and contributions of women in various fields. In Romania, it's a day to appreciate women's roles in society and acknowledge gender equality. This holiday highlights the cultural importance of women's empowerment and gender equity.

Orthodox Good Friday

Orthodox Good Friday, known as "Vinerea Mare," commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is a solemn day of reflection and fasting, with special church services. This holiday underscores the significance of religious devotion and the role of Christianity in Romanian culture.

Orthodox Easter Day

Orthodox Easter Day, or "Paștele," is one of the most important religious holidays in Romania. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is marked by church services, traditional Easter meals, and the exchange of colored eggs. Easter highlights the central role of Christianity and spirituality in Romanian life.

Orthodox Easter Monday

Orthodox Easter Monday is an extension of Easter celebrations, emphasizing family gatherings and festive meals. It reinforces the significance of family bonds and togetherness in Romanian culture, as well as the joyous spirit of Easter.

Labor Day / May Day

Labor Day, known as "Ziua Muncii," is celebrated on May 1st to honor the contributions of workers and their labor rights. It includes parades, demonstrations, and festivities. Labor Day represents the importance of workers' rights and labor solidarity in Romania's cultural and social fabric.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, or "Ziua Mamei," is a day dedicated to showing appreciation and love to mothers and mother figures. It is celebrated with gifts, flowers, and gestures of affection. Mother's Day underscores the essential role of mothers in family life and their cultural significance as nurturers and caregivers.

Monarchy Day

Monarchy Day, celebrated on May 10th, commemorates the reign of King Carol I, who played a significant role in Romania's history. This day reflects on the nation's royal heritage and the influence of monarchy in shaping the country's identity. Monarchy Day holds cultural importance as a testament to Romania's rich history.

National Independence Day

National Independence Day, observed on May 9th, marks Romania's declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1877. It is a day of patriotic pride, featuring ceremonies, parades, and historical reenactments. This holiday highlights Romania's struggle for freedom and its cultural identity as a sovereign nation.

Father's Day

Father's Day, or "Ziua Tatălui," celebrates fathers and father figures. Similar to Mother's Day, it involves expressions of love and appreciation, such as gifts and cards. Father's Day acknowledges the vital role of fathers in family life and their cultural significance as providers and mentors.

Orthodox Ascension Day

Orthodox Ascension Day, known as "Ziua Înălțării Domnului," commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. It is observed with church services and religious customs, emphasizing the central role of Christianity in Romanian culture and spirituality.

Children's Day

Children's Day, or "Ziua Copilului," is celebrated on June 1st to honor and cherish children. It involves various activities, games, and gifts for children, highlighting their importance in society and the cultural significance of nurturing and protecting the younger generation.

Orthodox Pentecost

Orthodox Pentecost, known as "Rusaliile," commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. It is marked by church services and special prayers, underscoring the role of faith and spirituality in Romanian culture and the Christian faith's teachings.

Orthodox Pentecost Monday

Orthodox Pentecost Monday extends the celebration of Pentecost, emphasizing family gatherings and festive meals. It reinforces the significance of family bonds and togetherness in Romanian culture, as well as the joyous spirit of this important religious event.

Flag Day

Flag Day, or "Ziua Drapelului," commemorates Romania's national flag and its colors. It is a day to honor the country's flag, featuring flag-raising ceremonies and patriotic events. Flag Day emphasizes the cultural significance of the national flag as a symbol of unity, pride, and identity.

National Anthem Day

National Anthem Day, celebrated on July 29th, honors Romania's national anthem, "Deșteaptă-te, române!" It's a day of patriotic pride, with events and activities showcasing the anthem's significance in Romanian culture and history. National Anthem Day underscores the importance of national identity and unity.

St Mary's Day

St. Mary's Day, or "Sfânta Maria," is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and is celebrated on August 15th. It involves church services and religious customs to honor Mary's significance in Christian tradition. St. Mary's Day highlights the cultural and spiritual importance of the Virgin Mary in Romanian religious life.


Halloween has gained popularity in Romania as a festive holiday, with costume parties and decorations. While not traditionally Romanian, it offers a fun and spooky experience, emphasizing the enjoyment of dressing up and the cultural exchange of international celebrations.

St Andrew's Day

St. Andrew's Day, celebrated on November 30th, honors the patron saint of Romania. It involves religious observances and customs, emphasizing St. Andrew's role in Romanian religious history. St. Andrew's Day highlights the cultural and spiritual significance of this saint in Romanian Christianity.

National Day

National Day, known as "Ziua Națională," commemorates Romania's unification in 1918 and its modern-day independence. It involves parades, ceremonies, and patriotic displays, underscoring the cultural significance of national identity and unity in Romania's history.

Constitution Day

Constitution Day, celebrated on December 8th, marks the adoption of Romania's post-communist constitution in 1991. It's a day to reflect on the country's commitment to democracy and constitutional values. Constitution Day emphasizes the cultural importance of the rule of law and individual rights in Romania.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, or "Ajunul Crăciunului," is celebrated on December 24th. It involves family gatherings, a festive meal, and the anticipation of Christmas. Christmas Eve underscores the cultural significance of family, tradition, and the joyous spirit of the holiday season.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, or "Crăciunul," celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and is observed on December 25th. It includes church services, festive meals, and the exchange of gifts. Christmas Day highlights the central role of Christianity in Romanian culture and the importance of giving and sharing during the holiday season.

Second day of Christmas

The Second Day of Christmas, known as "Crăciunul în două zile," continues the Christmas celebrations with family gatherings and traditional meals. It reinforces the cultural significance of togetherness and extended holiday festivities in Romanian culture.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, or "Revelion," marks the end of the year with festive parties, fireworks, and countdowns to the new year. It's a time for reflection, celebration, and setting resolutions. New Year's Eve emphasizes the cultural importance of bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new one with optimism.