> National Holidays > Republic Of The Congo

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Republic Of The Congo

Republic Of The Congo

Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day Public holiday
Wednesday Jan 04,2023 Martyrs of Independence Day Public holiday
Monday Jan 16,2023 Anniversary of President Laurent Kabila’s Assassination Public holiday
Tuesday Jan 17,2023 Anniversary of Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba’s Assassination Public holiday
Tuesday Feb 14,2023 Valentine's Day Observance
Wednesday Mar 08,2023 International Women's Day Observance
Monday Mar 20,2023 International Francophonie Day Observance
Sunday Apr 30,2023 Education Day Observance
Monday May 01,2023 May Day Public holiday
Wednesday May 17,2023 Liberation Day Public holiday
Wednesday Jun 21,2023 Music Festival Observance
Friday Jun 30,2023 Independence Day Public holiday
Tuesday Aug 01,2023 Parents' Day Public holiday
Wednesday Sep 27,2023 World Tourism Day Observance
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve Observance
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day Public holiday
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Observance
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, known as "Jour de l'An" in the Republic of the Congo, is celebrated on January 1st with great enthusiasm. It marks the beginning of a new year, symbolizing hope, fresh starts, and new opportunities. Congolese people come together for festive gatherings, parties, and fireworks displays. It's a time for reflection, setting goals, and spending quality time with loved ones. New Year's Day holds cultural importance as it promotes unity and optimism, fostering a sense of togetherness and renewal within the community.

Martyrs of Independence Day

Martyrs of Independence Day, celebrated on January 4th, honors the sacrifices made by those who fought for the Republic of the Congo's independence from colonial rule. It commemorates the bravery and dedication of individuals who gave their lives for the nation's freedom. On this day, ceremonies, parades, and flag-raising events take place across the country, instilling a sense of national pride and unity. Martyrs of Independence Day holds cultural importance as it reminds Congolese people of their history and the ongoing struggle for independence, strengthening their resolve to protect and preserve their hard-fought freedom.

Anniversary of President Laurent Kabila’s Assassination

The Anniversary of President Laurent Kabila's Assassination, observed on January 16th, commemorates the life and leadership of the former President. It is a day to reflect on his contributions and the challenges faced during his presidency. Many Congolese people use this day to engage in discussions about the country's political history and its impact on the nation's development. This anniversary holds cultural importance as it encourages civic engagement and a deeper understanding of the country's political landscape. It serves as a reminder of the need for strong leadership and political stability in the Republic of the Congo.

Anniversary of Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba’s Assassination

The Anniversary of Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba's Assassination, observed on January 17th, commemorates the life and legacy of the iconic leader. Patrice Lumumba played a pivotal role in the country's struggle for independence. On this day, Congolese people reflect on his vision, leadership, and the challenges he faced. It's a time for discussions about the importance of leadership and the need for social and political change. This anniversary holds cultural importance as it inspires a sense of national identity and pride, while also highlighting the ongoing pursuit of justice and equality.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, known as "La Saint-Valentin" in the Republic of the Congo, is celebrated on February 14th as a day of love and affection. It's a time for couples to express their love through cards, gifts, and romantic gestures. The day also emphasizes the importance of friendship and love in all relationships. Valentine's Day holds cultural importance as it promotes emotional connections, strengthens bonds, and encourages the expression of love and appreciation, making it a cherished and culturally relevant holiday in the Republic of the Congo.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8th as "Journée Internationale de la Femme," is a global day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the achievements and contributions of women. In the Republic of the Congo, this day is marked with various events, including seminars, discussions, and parades, highlighting women's rights and gender equality. It holds cultural importance as it promotes gender empowerment, solidarity, and the value of women's roles in society. International Women's Day encourages Congolese people to acknowledge and support the rights and well-being of women.

International Francophonie Day

International Francophonie Day, observed on March 20th, celebrates the French language and the cultural diversity of Francophone countries, including the Republic of the Congo. It is a day to promote linguistic and cultural exchange within the Francophone community. Cultural events, exhibitions, and educational programs are organized to highlight the French language's significance. This day holds cultural importance as it fosters a sense of belonging to the global Francophone community and encourages cultural exchange, language preservation, and intercultural understanding.

Education Day

Education Day, celebrated on April 22nd, emphasizes the importance of education in the Republic of the Congo. It is a day to recognize the value of knowledge, learning, and the role of education in personal and national development. Schools organize special programs, competitions, and activities to promote education. Education Day holds cultural importance as it underscores the significance of education in shaping the country's future, fostering a culture of learning, and encouraging academic excellence among Congolese youth.

May Day

May Day, known as "Fête du Travail" in the Republic of the Congo, is celebrated on May 1st to honor the labor movement and workers' rights. It is a day for labor unions, workers, and activists to come together in solidarity, advocating for fair labor practices and social justice. May Day holds cultural importance as it highlights the contributions of workers to society, strengthens the labor movement, and reinforces the importance of workers' well-being and rights in the Republic of the Congo.

Liberation Day

Liberation Day, celebrated on June 30th, marks the liberation of the Republic of the Congo from colonial rule. It commemorates the struggle for independence and the nation's sovereignty. On this day, Congolese people engage in patriotic ceremonies, parades, and cultural performances. Liberation Day holds cultural importance as it fosters a sense of national pride, unity, and the preservation of the country's independence and heritage. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made for freedom and the ongoing commitment to protect it.

Music Festival

The Music Festival, celebrated on August 15th, is a vibrant cultural event dedicated to music in the Republic of the Congo. It showcases the country's rich musical traditions, featuring live performances, concerts, and musical competitions. This festival holds cultural importance as it celebrates the diversity of Congolese music, promotes local talent, and brings people together through the universal language of music. It contributes to the preservation and appreciation of the country's musical heritage.

Independence Day

Independence Day, celebrated on August 15th, marks the Republic of the Congo's independence from colonial rule. It commemorates the nation's sovereignty and the sacrifices made during the struggle for freedom. On this day, patriotic ceremonies, parades, and cultural events take place nationwide. Independence Day holds immense cultural importance as it reinforces the sense of national identity, pride, and unity among Congolese people. It serves as a reminder of the nation's history and the ongoing commitment to protect its independence.

Parents' Day

Parents' Day, celebrated on August 16th, is a day dedicated to honoring and showing appreciation for parents and guardians in the Republic of the Congo. Families come together for special meals and activities to express their love and gratitude. Parents' Day holds cultural importance as it emphasizes the role of parents in nurturing and raising children. It fosters strong family bonds and the values of respect and love within Congolese families, making it a cherished cultural occasion.

World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day, observed on September 27th, promotes tourism's cultural, social, economic, and environmental importance worldwide. In the Republic of the Congo, this day highlights the country's natural beauty, wildlife, and cultural heritage. Various events, such as cultural festivals and exhibitions, showcase the nation's tourist attractions. World Tourism Day holds cultural importance as it encourages the preservation of cultural heritage, fosters tourism growth, and promotes cultural exchange, enhancing the appreciation of the country's unique cultural and natural treasures.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, known as "Veille de Noël" in the Republic of the Congo, is celebrated on December 24th as the evening before Christmas Day. It is a time for families to come together for special meals, gift exchanges, and church services. Christmas Eve holds cultural importance as it symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ and the spirit of giving and sharing. It fosters a sense of togetherness, love, and the joy of the holiday season, making it a cherished cultural tradition in the Republic of the Congo.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, known as "Noël" in the Republic of the Congo, is celebrated on December 25th as a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a day of religious observance with church services, nativity scenes, and the exchange of gifts. Families gather to share special meals and enjoy festive decorations. Christmas Day holds immense cultural importance as it strengthens the Christian faith and emphasizes the values of love, compassion, and togetherness. It is a culturally relevant and cherished holiday in the Republic of the Congo.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, known as "Réveillon du Nouvel An" in the Republic of the Congo, is celebrated on December 31st as the year comes to a close. It's a night of festive gatherings, parties, and fireworks displays to welcome the approaching new year. Families and friends come together for joyful celebrations, reflecting on the past year and setting resolutions for the future. New Year's Eve holds cultural importance as it promotes unity, hope, and cultural traditions, ushering in the promise of a fresh start in the Republic of the Congo.