Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Peru


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Monday Jan 02,2023 Public Sector Holiday Public Sector Holiday
Friday Jan 06,2023 The Three Wise Men Day Observance
Thursday Apr 06,2023 Maundy Thursday National holiday, Christian
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday National holiday, Christian
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Observance, Christian
Friday Apr 28,2023 Public Sector Holiday Public Sector Holiday
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day / May Day National holiday
Sunday May 14,2023 Mother's Day Observance
Wednesday Jun 07,2023 Flag Day Observance
Sunday Jun 18,2023 Father's Day Observance
Saturday Jun 24,2023 Farmer Day Observance
Saturday Jun 24,2023 Inti Raymi Day Observance
Thursday Jun 29,2023 St Peter and St Paul National holiday
Friday Jun 30,2023 Public Sector Holiday Public Sector Holiday
Sunday Jul 23,2023 Peruvian Air Force Day National holiday
Thursday Jul 27,2023 Public Sector Holiday Public Sector Holiday
Friday Jul 28,2023 Independence Day National holiday
Saturday Jul 29,2023 Independence Day (day 2) National holiday
Sunday Aug 06,2023 Battle of Junín Observance
Wednesday Aug 30,2023 Santa Rosa De Lima National holiday
Sunday Sep 24,2023 Armed Forces Day Observance
Sunday Oct 08,2023 Battle of Angamos National holiday
Monday Oct 09,2023 Public Sector Holiday Public Sector Holiday
Wednesday Nov 01,2023 All Saints' Day National holiday
Thursday Nov 02,2023 All Souls' Day Observance
Thursday Dec 07,2023 Public Sector Holiday Public Sector Holiday
Friday Dec 08,2023 Feast of the Immaculate Conception National holiday
Saturday Dec 09,2023 Battle of Ayacucho National holiday
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve Observance, Christian
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday, Christian
Tuesday Dec 26,2023 Public Sector Holiday Public Sector Holiday
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Observance
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, also known as "Año Nuevo," is celebrated on January 1st to mark the beginning of the new year. Peruvians joyfully welcome the fresh start with fireworks, parties, and family gatherings. It's a time for reflection and making resolutions for the year ahead. This holiday holds cultural importance as it signifies hope, renewal, and a chance to leave behind the past year's troubles.

Public Sector Holiday

The Public Sector Holiday in Peru refers to a day off for government employees and public servants. It is observed on different occasions, such as national holidays or special events, to allow government workers to rest and spend time with their families. This holiday ensures work-life balance and honors the dedication of public servants who contribute to the country's development.

The Three Wise Men Day

Known as "Día de los Reyes Magos," this holiday falls on January 6th, commemorating the arrival of the Three Wise Men to visit the baby Jesus. Peruvians exchange gifts and indulge in a sweet bread called "Rosca de Reyes." It has cultural significance as it blends Christian traditions with indigenous customs, symbolizing the unity of different cultures in Peru.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday, or "Jueves Santo," is part of Holy Week leading up to Easter. Peruvians attend church services and participate in processions to honor Jesus' Last Supper. It signifies faith and devotion, bringing communities together to reflect on the spiritual significance of the occasion.

Good Friday

Good Friday, known as "Viernes Santo," is observed the day after Maundy Thursday. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Peruvians take part in religious processions, with many fasting and abstaining from meat. This holiday underscores the deeply rooted Catholic faith in Peru and the importance of self-sacrifice and penance.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday, "Domingo de Resurrección," celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's a day of joy, marked by church services, egg hunts, and festive meals. This holiday highlights the triumph of life over death and carries immense religious significance for Peruvians, reinforcing their Christian beliefs.

Labor Day / May Day

Labor Day, or "Día del Trabajo," is observed on May 1st to honor workers and their contributions to society. It's a day of parades, rallies, and workers' rights demonstrations. This holiday represents solidarity among workers and the ongoing fight for labor rights, emphasizing the value of fair working conditions.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, "Día de la Madre," is celebrated on the second Sunday of May to honor mothers and mother figures. Peruvians express their love and gratitude through gifts and gestures. It emphasizes the importance of family and maternal bonds in Peruvian culture, highlighting the role of mothers in nurturing and shaping their children's lives.

Flag Day

Flag Day, or "Día de la Bandera," is celebrated on June 7th to honor the national flag of Peru. Schools and communities organize flag-raising ceremonies and patriotic events. This holiday instills a sense of national pride and unity, reminding Peruvians of their heritage and the sacrifices made for their country's independence.

Father's Day

Father's Day, "Día del Padre," is observed on the third Sunday of June to appreciate fathers and fatherly figures. Families gather to show love and gratitude through gifts and quality time. It highlights the importance of paternal roles in Peruvian families, recognizing the guidance and support provided by fathers.

Farmer Day

Farmer Day, "Día del Campesino," celebrates the contributions of farmers to Peru's agricultural heritage. It is observed on June 24th, coinciding with the Inti Raymi festival. This holiday underscores the vital role of farmers in providing food and sustenance, connecting the people to their agrarian roots and traditions.

Inti Raymi Day

Inti Raymi, the "Festival of the Sun," is celebrated on June 24th, marking the Inca solstice ceremony. It's a grand theatrical event with colorful costumes and rituals to honor the sun god, Inti. This holiday reflects the rich Inca heritage and the cultural importance of preserving indigenous traditions in Peru.

St Peter and St Paul

St. Peter and St. Paul's Day, "Día de San Pedro y San Pablo," is celebrated on June 29th. Peruvians honor the patron saints of fishermen and sailors with processions and festivities near the coast. This holiday emphasizes the country's maritime culture and the role of these saints in protecting seafarers.

Peruvian Air Force Day

Peruvian Air Force Day, "Día de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú," is observed on July 23rd. It honors the country's air force personnel and their dedication to national defense. The day includes air shows and military displays, highlighting the importance of the air force in safeguarding Peru's sovereignty.

Battle of Junín

Battle of Junín Day, "Día de la Batalla de Junín," is observed on August 6th. It commemorates the victory of Peruvian forces led by Simón Bolívar in the Battle of Junín in 1824. This holiday underscores the importance of this battle in the country's struggle for independence and the bravery of its soldiers.

Santa Rosa De Lima

Santa Rosa de Lima, the patron saint of Peru, is celebrated on August 30th. Devotees honor her with processions, prayers, and floral offerings. This holiday reflects the deep religious devotion of Peruvians to their patron saint, Santa Rosa, and her role as a symbol of faith and protection.

Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day, "Día de las Fuerzas Armadas," is celebrated on September 24th. It pays tribute to the courage and dedication of the country's armed forces. Parades, military demonstrations, and cultural events showcase the armed forces' role in safeguarding Peru's security and sovereignty.

Battle of Angamos

Battle of Angamos Day, "Día de la Batalla de Angamos," is observed on October 8th. It commemorates the naval victory of the Peruvian Navy over the Chilean Navy in 1879. This holiday highlights the bravery of Peruvian sailors and their role in defending the nation's maritime interests.

All Saints' Day

All Saints' Day, "Día de Todos los Santos," is celebrated on November 1st. Peruvians visit cemeteries to honor and remember their deceased loved ones. It's a day of remembrance and reflection, emphasizing the importance of family bonds and the enduring connection with those who have passed away.

All Souls' Day

All Souls' Day, "Día de los Difuntos," follows All Saints' Day on November 2nd. Families visit cemeteries again, lighting candles and offering prayers for the souls of the departed. This holiday underscores the belief in the afterlife and the spiritual connection between the living and the deceased in Peruvian culture.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, "Día de la Inmaculada Concepción," is celebrated on December 8th. It honors the Virgin Mary's immaculate conception and is marked by religious processions and festivities. This holiday represents the strong devotion to the Virgin Mary in Peru and the role she plays as a symbol of purity and grace.

Battle of Ayacucho

Battle of Ayacucho Day, "Día de la Batalla de Ayacucho," is observed on December 9th. It commemorates the decisive battle in 1824 that led to Peru's independence from Spanish rule. This holiday emphasizes the historical significance of the battle and the sacrifices made by the Peruvian forces for the nation's freedom.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, "Nochebuena," is celebrated on December 24th with family gatherings and a festive dinner. It precedes Christmas Day and is a time for sharing love and gifts. This holiday represents the spirit of giving and togetherness, echoing the worldwide celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, "Navidad," is observed on December 25th. Peruvians attend church services, exchange gifts, and enjoy special meals with loved ones. It symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ and is a time of spreading joy, love, and goodwill, emphasizing the significance of family and faith in Peruvian culture.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, "Nochevieja," is celebrated on December 31st with lively parties, fireworks, and traditional customs like eating 12 grapes at midnight. It marks the end of the year and the anticipation of a fresh start. This holiday signifies hope, reflection, and the excitement of new beginnings, uniting people in celebration.