> National Holidays > Panama

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Panama


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Monday Jan 09,2023 Martyr's Day National holiday
Saturday Feb 18,2023 Carnival Observance
Sunday Feb 19,2023 Carnival Observance
Monday Feb 20,2023 Carnival / Shrove Monday Common local holiday
Tuesday Feb 21,2023 Carnival / Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day National holiday
Wednesday Feb 22,2023 Carnival / Ash Wednesday Common local holiday
Thursday Apr 06,2023 Maundy Thursday Bank holiday
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday National holiday, Christian
Saturday Apr 08,2023 Holy Saturday Bank holiday
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Observance, Christian
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day / May Day National holiday
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 Foundation of Old Panama City Common local holiday
Friday Nov 03,2023 Independence Day National holiday
Saturday Nov 04,2023 National Symbols Day National holiday
Sunday Nov 05,2023 Colón Day National holiday
Friday Nov 10,2023 Shout in Villa de los Santos National holiday
Tuesday Nov 28,2023 Independence from Spain National holiday
Friday Dec 08,2023 Mother's Day National holiday
Wednesday Dec 20,2023 National Day of Mourning National holiday
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve Bank holiday
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday, Christian
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Bank holiday
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, known as "Año Nuevo" in Panama, is celebrated on January 1st each year. It marks the beginning of the new year and is a time for Panamanians to come together with family and friends to celebrate and make resolutions for the year ahead. The holiday is filled with festive gatherings, fireworks, and parties, and it holds cultural importance as it symbolizes hope, new beginnings, and a fresh start. People often make traditional dishes and share meals with loved ones, creating cherished memories to carry into the upcoming year.

Martyr's Day

Martyr's Day, or "Día de los Mártires," is observed on January 9th in Panama. This holiday commemorates the young people who lost their lives during the events leading up to the 1964 Panama Canal Zone conflict. It is a day to remember and honor their sacrifices for the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Panamanians pay tribute through various activities, including parades, ceremonies, and educational programs that emphasize the significance of patriotism and unity.


Carnival is a lively and colorful celebration that occurs in Panama in the days leading up to Lent. The exact dates may vary each year, but it typically falls in February or March. Panama City and various other regions come alive with vibrant parades, music, dance, and elaborate costumes. This pre-Lenten festivity is an opportunity for Panamanians to revel in the joy of life, indulge in delicious food, and immerse themselves in their rich cultural heritage. Carnival represents a fusion of indigenous, African, and Spanish traditions, making it a culturally significant event in Panama.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday, known as "Jueves Santo" in Panama, is part of Holy Week and falls on the Thursday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. On this day, many Panamanians participate in religious services, processions, and reenactments of biblical events. It is a time for reflection, devotion, and expressing faith. Maundy Thursday holds cultural importance as it is a key component of Panama's religious heritage, showcasing the strong influence of Catholicism in the country.

Good Friday

Good Friday, or "Viernes Santo," is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and is a significant religious holiday in Panama. Many Panamanians attend church services and take part in processions that depict the Stations of the Cross. Some communities even organize reenactments of the Passion of Christ. Good Friday is a day of solemnity and reflection, emphasizing the religious beliefs deeply rooted in Panamanian culture.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday, or "Domingo de Resurrección," is celebrated on the first Sunday after Good Friday. It is a joyous occasion that marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Panamanians attend special church services and often engage in family gatherings and festive meals. Easter eggs are also a part of the celebration. Easter Sunday represents the triumph of life over death and is a time for Panamanians to express their Christian faith and spend quality time with loved ones.

Labor Day / May Day

Labor Day, also known as "Día del Trabajador" or May Day, is celebrated on May 1st in Panama. It is a day dedicated to honoring the contributions of workers and labor unions. Panamanians participate in parades, demonstrations, and various labor-related events to advocate for workers' rights and better working conditions. The holiday symbolizes solidarity among the labor force and the importance of fair labor practices in Panama's society.

Foundation of Old Panama City

The Foundation of Old Panama City, celebrated on August 15th, commemorates the founding of Panama City by Spanish explorer Pedro Arias Dávila in 1519. It is a historical and cultural holiday that highlights Panama's colonial past. Various activities, including reenactments, historical exhibitions, and cultural performances, take place to honor the city's rich heritage. This holiday serves as a reminder of Panama's deep historical roots and the blending of indigenous and European cultures.

Independence Day

Independence Day, known as "Día de la Independencia," is celebrated on November 3rd in Panama. It marks the country's separation from Colombia in 1903. Panamanians celebrate with patriotic parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and cultural events that showcase their national identity and unity. Independence Day holds great cultural significance as it signifies Panama's sovereignty and the enduring spirit of its people.

National Symbols Day

National Symbols Day, observed on November 4th, is a day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating Panama's national symbols, including the flag, the coat of arms, and the national anthem. Panamanians participate in educational activities, ceremonies, and exhibitions that emphasize the importance of these symbols in their history and identity. It is a day to instill a sense of pride and cultural awareness among the population.

Colón Day

Colón Day, or "Día de Colón," is celebrated on November 5th in honor of Christopher Columbus's arrival in Panama in 1502. The holiday highlights the historical connection between Panama and the age of exploration. Communities in Colón Province often organize parades, cultural displays, and activities that showcase their cultural diversity and heritage. Colón Day serves as a reminder of Panama's role in the discovery of the New World.

Independence from Spain

Independence from Spain, celebrated on November 28th, commemorates Panama's declaration of independence from Spanish rule in 1821. This historic event is remembered through patriotic ceremonies, cultural performances, and educational programs that emphasize Panama's struggle for autonomy. It is a day to honor the nation's journey towards independence and to recognize the enduring legacy of those who fought for Panama's freedom.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, or "Día de las Madres," is celebrated on December 8th in Panama. It is a day to honor and show appreciation for mothers and mother figures. Panamanians often give gifts, flowers, and heartfelt cards to their mothers, and many families gather for special meals. This holiday holds significant cultural importance as it highlights the cherished role of mothers in Panamanian society and the strong family bonds that are valued in the country.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, or "Nochebuena," is celebrated on December 24th and is a time for Panamanians to come together with family and friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is marked by festive gatherings, traditional dishes, and the lighting of the "candle of the Christ Child." Christmas Eve holds cultural importance as it showcases the fusion of Catholic traditions with indigenous and African influences, creating a unique and heartfelt celebration.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, or "Día de Navidad," is celebrated on December 25th in Panama. It is a day when families exchange gifts and enjoy special meals together. Churches hold services to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is a time of joy, generosity, and spiritual reflection, and it represents the strong Christian traditions and cultural values that are integral to Panama's identity.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, known as "Nochevieja," is celebrated on December 31st, marking the end of the year. Panamanians bid farewell to the old year with festive parties, fireworks, and various traditions aimed at attracting good luck for the upcoming year. It is a time for reflection on the past year's experiences and anticipation of the opportunities that the new year will bring. New Year's Eve is a culturally significant occasion for Panamanians to gather and celebrate together.