> National Holidays > North Korea

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in North Korea

North Korea

Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year Public Holiday
Monday Jan 23,2023 Seollal Public Holiday
Thursday Feb 16,2023 Birth date of Kim Jong Il Public Holiday
Wednesday Mar 08,2023 International Women's Day Public Holiday
Saturday Apr 15,2023 Birth Date of Kim Il Sung Public Holiday
Tuesday Apr 25,2023 Chosun People's Army Foundation Day Public Holiday
Monday May 01,2023 May Day Public Holiday
Tuesday Jun 06,2023 Chosun Children's Union Foundation Day Public Holiday
Thursday Jul 27,2023 Day of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War Public Holiday
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 Liberation Day Public Holiday
Friday Aug 25,2023 Day of Songun Public Holiday
Saturday Sep 09,2023 National Day Public Holiday
Friday Sep 29,2023 Chuseok Harvest Festival Public Holiday
Tuesday Oct 10,2023 Party Foundation Day Public Holiday
Thursday Nov 16,2023 Mother's Day Public Holiday
Wednesday Dec 27,2023 Constitution Day Public Holiday
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year

In North Korea, New Year, or "Seolnal," is a significant holiday celebrated with much enthusiasm. It marks the beginning of the year and is a time for families to come together and reflect on the past while looking forward to the future. People engage in various traditional activities, including bowing to their elders, sharing special meals, and wearing traditional hanbok attire. The holiday holds cultural importance as it strengthens family bonds and emphasizes respect for elders and ancestors.


Seollal, also known as Korean Lunar New Year, is one of the most important holidays in North Korea. It typically falls in late January or early February and is a time for families to reunite and pay respects to their ancestors. Traditional customs like performing ancestral rites (charye), playing traditional games, and enjoying special dishes like tteokguk (rice cake soup) are observed. Seollal plays a crucial role in preserving Korean culture and strengthening family ties, making it a cherished and culturally significant holiday.

Birth date of Kim Jong Il

The birth date of Kim Jong Il, the former leader of North Korea, is celebrated with great reverence on February 16th. Known as "Day of the Shining Star," it is a time for North Koreans to pay tribute to their former leader. People participate in various activities and events to honor Kim Jong Il's contributions to the country. The holiday has cultural importance as it fosters loyalty and admiration for the country's leadership and history.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8th in North Korea, honors the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is a day for recognizing and celebrating the contributions of women in North Korean society. Various events, including meetings, seminars, and performances, are organized to empower women and discuss gender-related issues. The holiday emphasizes gender equality and women's rights, highlighting their cultural importance in shaping the nation's progress.

Birth Date of Kim Il Sung

The birth date of Kim Il Sung, the founding leader of North Korea, is celebrated on April 15th as "Day of the Sun." It is one of the most important holidays in the country, marked by grand parades, performances, and celebrations. North Koreans pay homage to Kim Il Sung's legacy, visiting monuments and participating in various activities. This holiday holds immense cultural significance as it reinforces the cult of personality surrounding the country's founder and serves as a reminder of the nation's history and ideology.

Chosun People's Army Foundation Day

Chosun People's Army Foundation Day, celebrated on April 25th, commemorates the establishment of the Korean People's Army (KPA). The day is marked by military parades, ceremonies, and cultural events that showcase the strength and readiness of the KPA. It emphasizes the importance of a strong military in North Korean society and reinforces the country's defense-oriented ideology. The holiday plays a significant cultural role in promoting patriotism and unity among the people.

May Day

May Day, or "Ryangchimnyol," is celebrated on May 1st in North Korea as a day to honor the labor force. Workers participate in various events, including parades, rallies, and cultural performances, to showcase their dedication to the country's development. May Day underscores the cultural significance of labor and highlights the role of workers in North Korean society. It promotes a sense of unity and pride among the labor force and the broader community.

Chosun Children's Union Foundation Day

Chosun Children's Union Foundation Day, celebrated on June 6th, marks the establishment of the Korean Children's Union (KCU). It is a day when children in North Korea participate in various activities, including ceremonies, games, and performances. The holiday has cultural importance as it instills a sense of loyalty to the state and its ideology from a young age. It fosters unity among North Korean children and emphasizes their role in the country's future.

Day of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War

On July 27th, North Korea celebrates the Day of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, also known as the Korean War. This day commemorates the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War in 1953. The holiday is marked by ceremonies, parades, and cultural events to honor the sacrifices made during the war. It holds cultural significance as it reinforces the narrative of North Korea's struggle against external forces and the need for vigilance and defense of the nation.

Liberation Day

Liberation Day, celebrated on August 15th, marks the liberation of Korea from Japanese colonial rule in 1945. The holiday is observed with various activities, including parades, ceremonies, and cultural performances. Liberation Day holds cultural importance as it symbolizes the end of colonial oppression and the restoration of Korean sovereignty. It serves as a reminder of the country's history and the importance of independence in North Korean culture.

Day of Songun

The Day of Songun, celebrated on August 25th, emphasizes the "Military First" ideology in North Korea. It is marked by military demonstrations, exhibitions, and patriotic events that showcase the country's commitment to its armed forces. The holiday has cultural significance as it reinforces the role of the military in North Korean society and the nation's defense-oriented ideology. It promotes loyalty to the leadership and unity among the people.

National Day

National Day, celebrated on September 9th, is a significant holiday that commemorates the founding of North Korea in 1948. The day is marked by grand parades, ceremonies, and cultural performances. National Day holds immense cultural importance as it reinforces the cult of personality surrounding the leadership and the ideology of the country's founding. It serves as a reminder of North Korea's history and its commitment to its principles and identity.

Chuseok Harvest Festival

Chuseok, also known as Korean Thanksgiving Day, is celebrated in North Korea with cultural and agricultural significance. It falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. People visit their hometowns, pay respects to ancestors, and share traditional dishes like songpyeon (rice cakes) with family. Chuseok highlights the cultural importance of agriculture in North Korean society and fosters family bonds and community spirit. It is a cherished and culturally significant holiday that celebrates the harvest season.

Party Foundation Day

Party Foundation Day, celebrated on October 10th, commemorates the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). The day is marked by grand parades, ceremonies, and celebrations that showcase the party's role in North Korean society. Party Foundation Day holds cultural significance as it reinforces the importance of the WPK in the country's ideology and governance. It promotes loyalty to the party and unity among the people.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, celebrated on November 16th, is a day to honor and appreciate mothers and motherhood in North Korea. It is marked by various activities, including giving gifts, cards, and spending quality time with mothers. Mother's Day holds cultural importance as it emphasizes the role of mothers in nurturing and shaping North Korean families and society. It fosters appreciation and love for mothers, strengthening family bonds.

Constitution Day

Constitution Day, celebrated on December 27th, marks the adoption of North Korea's constitution in 1972. The day is observed with ceremonies, educational events, and discussions about the country's governance and ideology. Constitution Day holds cultural significance as it underscores the importance of the country's legal framework and political ideology. It promotes awareness of the constitution's principles and the role of governance in North Korean society.