> National Holidays > Macedonia

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Macedonia


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Monday Jan 02,2023 Day off for New Year's Day National holiday
Friday Jan 06,2023 Orthodox Christmas Eve Optional Holiday
Saturday Jan 07,2023 Orthodox Christmas Day National holiday, Orthodox
Thursday Jan 19,2023 Epiphany (Orthodox) Optional Holiday
Friday Jan 27,2023 St Sava's Day Optional Holiday
Tuesday Feb 14,2023 Valentine's Day Observance
Wednesday Mar 08,2023 Mothers' Day/International Women's Day Observance
Thursday Mar 23,2023 Ramadan Start Observance
Sunday Mar 26,2023 Daylight Saving Time starts Clock change/Daylight Saving Time
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday Observance
Saturday Apr 08,2023 Easter Saturday Observance
Saturday Apr 08,2023 International Romani Day (for Romani community) Optional Holiday
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Observance
Monday Apr 10,2023 Easter Monday Optional Holiday
Friday Apr 14,2023 Good Friday (Orthodox) Optional Holiday
Saturday Apr 15,2023 Easter Saturday (Orthodox) Observance, Orthodox
Sunday Apr 16,2023 Easter Sunday (Orthodox) Observance, Orthodox
Monday Apr 17,2023 Easter Monday (Orthodox) National holiday, Orthodox
Friday Apr 21,2023 Eid al-Fitr National holiday
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day National holiday
Tuesday May 23,2023 Vlach’s National Day (for Vlach community) Optional Holiday
Wednesday May 24,2023 Saints Cyril and Methodius' Day National holiday
Friday Jun 02,2023 Friday before Pentecost Optional Holiday
Wednesday Jun 28,2023 Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) Optional Holiday
Wednesday Aug 02,2023 Republic Day National holiday
Monday Aug 28,2023 Feast of the Assumption of Mary (Orthodox) Optional Holiday
Friday Sep 08,2023 Independence Day National holiday
Sunday Sep 10,2023 Fathers' Day Observance
Monday Sep 25,2023 First day of Yom Kippur (Jewish community) Optional Holiday
Thursday Sep 28,2023 International Bosniaks' Day (for Bosniak community) Optional Holiday
Wednesday Oct 11,2023 Day of People’s Uprising National holiday
Monday Oct 23,2023 Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle National holiday
Sunday Oct 29,2023 Daylight Saving Time ends Clock change/Daylight Saving Time
Tuesday Oct 31,2023 Halloween Observance
Wednesday Nov 01,2023 All Saints' Day Optional Holiday
Wednesday Nov 22,2023 Albanian Alphabet Day (Albanian community) Optional Holiday
Friday Dec 08,2023 Saint Kliment Ohridski's Day National holiday
Thursday Dec 21,2023 Turkish Language Day (Turkish community) Optional Holiday
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve Observance
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day Optional Holiday
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Observance
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day in Macedonia marks the beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. It is celebrated with parties, fireworks, and gatherings with family and friends. The holiday signifies a fresh start and a time for setting resolutions for the year ahead. It holds cultural importance as a day of hope, renewal, and optimism for the future.

Orthodox Christmas Eve

Orthodox Christmas Eve is observed on January 6th in Macedonia. It is the night before the Orthodox Christmas Day and is a time for fasting and attending church services. Families gather for a festive meal and exchange gifts. This holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, and its cultural significance lies in the religious traditions and customs associated with the event.

Orthodox Christmas Day

Orthodox Christmas Day is celebrated on January 7th in Macedonia. It is a time for devout Christians to attend church services and engage in festive gatherings with loved ones. The holiday honors the birth of Jesus Christ and carries deep religious importance. It is a day of reflection, worship, and spreading goodwill among family and community members.

Epiphany (Orthodox)

Epiphany, celebrated on January 19th, marks the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Orthodox Christian tradition. In Macedonia, the holiday is observed with a special church service and the blessing of holy water. People also participate in the tradition of the "Cross Dive," where a cross is thrown into a body of water, and young men compete to retrieve it. This holiday symbolizes purification and the manifestation of Christ's divinity.

St Sava's Day

St. Sava's Day is observed on January 27th to honor Saint Sava, a prominent Serbian monk and educator. While not a national holiday in Macedonia, it is celebrated by the Serbian community. The day is marked by cultural events, church services, and educational activities that commemorate Saint Sava's contributions to Serbian culture, religion, and education.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, celebrated on February 14th, is a day dedicated to love and affection. In Macedonia, couples exchange gifts, cards, and express their love for one another. While not a traditional Macedonian holiday, it has gained popularity as a day to celebrate romantic love and strengthen relationships. Its cultural significance lies in fostering love and togetherness among individuals.

Mothers' Day/International Women's Day

Mothers' Day in Macedonia, celebrated on March 8th, is combined with International Women's Day. It is a day to honor and appreciate women's contributions to society and families. People give flowers and gifts to their mothers and important women in their lives. This holiday holds cultural importance by highlighting gender equality and recognizing the vital role women play in various aspects of life.

Ramadan Start

Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting, varies each year based on the lunar calendar. It is a significant time for Macedonia's Muslim community, marked by daily fasting from dawn to sunset, increased prayer and spiritual reflection. Ramadan emphasizes self-discipline, devotion, and community solidarity. The cultural importance lies in the shared experience of faith and self-improvement.

Daylight Saving Time starts

Daylight Saving Time begins in Macedonia, typically on the last Sunday in March. Clocks are set forward one hour to make better use of natural daylight during the longer days of spring and summer. This change promotes energy savings and longer evenings for outdoor activities, impacting daily routines and encouraging outdoor leisure.

Good Friday

Good Friday, observed on the Friday before Easter, commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is a somber day of reflection and fasting for Macedonian Orthodox Christians. Special church services are held, and people participate in processions and reenactments of the Passion. Good Friday holds immense cultural and religious significance as it marks the sacrifice of Jesus for humanity's sins.

Easter Saturday

Easter Saturday is the day before Orthodox Easter Sunday. It is a day of anticipation, with midnight church services being a central part of the celebration. People bring lit candles to church to receive the Holy Fire, symbolizing Christ's resurrection. This holiday represents the culmination of the Easter season and is a time of joy, hope, and renewal of faith for the Orthodox Christian community.

International Romani Day (for Romani community)

International Romani Day, celebrated on April 8th, recognizes and celebrates Romani culture and heritage. The day is marked by cultural events, music, dance, and educational activities that promote understanding and appreciation of Romani traditions. It serves as an opportunity to combat stereotypes and discrimination while highlighting the cultural richness of the Romani community in Macedonia.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is the most important Christian holiday, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Macedonia, it is observed with festive church services, family gatherings, and the exchange of colored eggs and special Easter bread. This holiday holds profound religious and cultural significance, symbolizing the triumph of life over death and the promise of salvation for believers.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday follows Easter Sunday and is a continuation of the Easter celebrations. It is a day for family gatherings, picnics, and outdoor activities. People visit friends and relatives to exchange Easter greetings and enjoy festive meals. The holiday extends the joyous atmosphere of Easter Sunday and reinforces the sense of togetherness and renewal.

Good Friday (Orthodox)

Good Friday in the Orthodox Christian tradition is a day of mourning and reflection on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Macedonian Orthodox Christians attend church services, participate in processions, and engage in somber observances. The day serves as a reminder of the suffering and sacrifice of Christ, emphasizing the spiritual and cultural significance of Easter in the Orthodox faith.

Easter Saturday (Orthodox)

Easter Saturday in the Orthodox tradition is a day of anticipation and preparation for Easter Sunday. Midnight church services are the highlight, with the Holy Fire ceremony symbolizing the resurrection. Macedonian Orthodox Christians participate in this tradition, marking the transition from the solemnity of Good Friday to the joy of Easter Sunday. The holiday is a testament to faith and renewal.

Easter Sunday (Orthodox)

Orthodox Easter Sunday in Macedonia is a joyous celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is marked by festive church services, family gatherings, and the exchange of Easter eggs and special bread. The holiday's cultural significance is intertwined with its deep religious meaning, emphasizing the victory of Christ over death and the promise of salvation for believers.

Easter Monday (Orthodox)

Easter Monday in the Orthodox tradition extends the Easter celebrations. It is a day for family visits, picnics, and outdoor activities. People continue to exchange Easter greetings and enjoy festive meals. This holiday reinforces the sense of togetherness and renewal, allowing Macedonian Orthodox Christians to continue their joyful observance of Easter.

Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr, also known as Ramazan Bayram in Macedonia, marks the end of Ramadan. It is a joyous holiday celebrated with special prayers, feasting, and communal gatherings. Families exchange gifts and visit relatives and friends. This holiday holds cultural importance as it signifies the completion of a month of fasting and self-discipline, fostering a sense of community and gratitude.

Labor Day

Labor Day, observed on May 1st, is a global celebration of workers' rights and contributions. In Macedonia, it is a public holiday marked by rallies, parades, and events organized by trade unions and labor organizations. It serves to highlight workers' achievements and advocate for labor rights. Labor Day underscores the cultural significance of solidarity and workers' rights.

Vlach’s National Day (for Vlach community)

Vlach’s National Day, celebrated on May 23rd, is dedicated to the Vlach minority community in Macedonia. The day is marked by cultural events, music, dance, and gatherings that showcase Vlach traditions and heritage. It fosters a sense of identity and belonging among the Vlach community while promoting understanding and appreciation of their unique culture.

Saints Cyril and Methodius' Day

Saints Cyril and Methodius' Day, celebrated on May 24th, honors the Byzantine brothers Cyril and Methodius, who created the Cyrillic alphabet. In Macedonia, it is a cultural and educational celebration, emphasizing the importance of the Cyrillic script in the country's history and identity. The holiday promotes language, culture, and education, reflecting the cultural pride of the Macedonian people.

Friday before Pentecost

The Friday before Pentecost, known as "Zadushnitsa," is a day of remembrance for the departed in Macedonia. Families visit cemeteries to pay respects to their loved ones, light candles, and offer food. This day holds cultural importance as it reflects the Macedonian tradition of honoring ancestors and maintaining a connection with the past through rituals and remembrance.

Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice)

Eid al-Adha, also known as Kurban Bayram in Macedonia, is a significant Islamic holiday that commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son. It is observed with prayers, the sacrifice of animals, and the distribution of meat to the needy. The holiday underscores the importance of sacrifice, charity, and communal solidarity within the Muslim community.

Republic Day

Republic Day, celebrated on September 8th, marks the declaration of the Republic of Macedonia in 1991. It is a national holiday with patriotic ceremonies, flag-raising, and cultural events. Republic Day symbolizes the country's independence, sovereignty, and the collective spirit of the Macedonian people in shaping their nation's destiny.

Feast of the Assumption of Mary (Orthodox)

The Feast of the Assumption of Mary, celebrated on August 28th in the Orthodox tradition, commemorates the bodily ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven. Macedonian Orthodox Christians attend church services and processions to honor this event. The holiday holds religious significance, emphasizing the role of the Virgin Mary in the Orthodox faith and her example of piety and devotion.

Independence Day

Independence Day, celebrated on September 8th, marks Macedonia's declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. It is a national holiday with patriotic displays, parades, and cultural festivities. Independence Day symbolizes the country's autonomy, identity, and the resilience of its people in achieving self-determination and freedom.

Fathers' Day

Fathers' Day, celebrated on October 15th, is a day to honor and appreciate fathers and father figures. Families often spend quality time together, exchange gifts, and express gratitude for paternal love and support. While not a traditional Macedonian holiday, it reflects the cultural value of family bonds and the importance of fatherhood in society.

First day of Yom Kippur (Jewish community)

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is observed by the Jewish community in Macedonia. It is a day of fasting, prayer, and repentance, seeking forgiveness for sins. Synagogue services play a central role, and families come together for a pre-fast meal. Yom Kippur holds cultural significance as a time for spiritual reflection and communal unity within the Jewish community.

International Bosniaks' Day (for Bosniak community)

International Bosniaks' Day, celebrated on November 25th, acknowledges the Bosniak minority's culture and heritage in Macedonia. The day is marked by cultural events, music, and gatherings that showcase Bosniak traditions. It promotes understanding and appreciation of the Bosniak community's unique identity and contributions to the nation's multicultural fabric.

Day of People’s Uprising

The Day of People's Uprising, observed on October 11th, commemorates the Macedonian people's resistance against Ottoman rule in 1903. It is a day to honor the nation's struggle for independence and self-determination. Cultural events, exhibitions, and historical reenactments highlight the importance of unity and the pursuit of freedom in Macedonia's history.

Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle

The Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle, celebrated on October 23rd, commemorates the Macedonian revolutionary movement against Ottoman oppression. It is a day to honor the heroes and leaders of the struggle for independence. Cultural events, parades, and exhibitions highlight the historical significance of the revolutionary movement in shaping Macedonia's identity.

Daylight Saving Time ends

Daylight Saving Time ends in Macedonia, typically on the last Sunday in October. Clocks are set back one hour, returning to standard time. This change affects daily routines, reducing daylight in the evening. It serves to make better use of natural daylight during the shorter days of late autumn and winter, impacting outdoor activities and energy usage.


Halloween, celebrated on October 31st, is a fun and spooky holiday enjoyed by many in Macedonia. It includes costume parties, trick-or-treating, and creative decorations. While not a traditional Macedonian holiday, Halloween is embraced as an occasion for creativity, imagination, and community spirit, with people of all ages participating in the festivities.

All Saints' Day

All Saints' Day, observed on November 1st, is a Christian holiday to honor all saints, known and unknown. Macedonian Orthodox Christians attend church services and visit cemeteries to remember and pray for the departed. It holds religious significance, emphasizing the communion of saints and the importance of honoring those who have passed away in the faith.

Albanian Alphabet Day (Albanian community)

Albanian Alphabet Day, celebrated on November 22nd, commemorates the creation of the Albanian script by Neofit Rilski. While primarily associated with the Albanian community, it reflects the cultural diversity of Macedonia. Cultural events, educational activities, and language-related festivities promote the importance of linguistic heritage and multiculturalism.

Saint Kliment Ohridski's Day

Saint Kliment Ohridski's Day, celebrated on December 8th, honors Saint Kliment Ohridski, a prominent Macedonian medieval scholar and writer. The day is marked by cultural events, educational activities, and church services that highlight Kliment's contributions to literature, education, and the Macedonian Orthodox Church. It underscores the cultural heritage and intellectual legacy of Macedonia.

Turkish Language Day (Turkish community)

Turkish Language Day, celebrated on December 21st, acknowledges the Turkish language's significance in Macedonia. Cultural events, language-related activities, and gatherings promote the preservation and appreciation of Turkish culture and language within the Turkish community. The day fosters cultural exchange and understanding among different linguistic groups in the country.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, celebrated on December 24th, is a time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas Day. Macedonian Orthodox Christians attend church services, and families gather for a festive meal. It is a night of spiritual significance and joyful anticipation as people await the birth of Jesus Christ. The holiday embodies the spirit of hope, unity, and renewal.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, observed on December 25th, is one of the most important Christian holidays, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. In Macedonia, it is marked by church services, festive gatherings, and the exchange of gifts. Christmas holds deep religious and cultural significance, symbolizing the gift of salvation and the message of peace and goodwill to all.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve in Macedonia, celebrated on December 31st, is a festive occasion to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one. It is marked by parties, fireworks, and gatherings with family and friends. The holiday signifies a fresh start, and people make resolutions for the year ahead. New Year's Eve holds cultural importance as a time of hope, reflection, and celebration.