> National Holidays > Luxembourg

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Luxembourg


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday Bank holiday
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Observance, Christian
Monday Apr 10,2023 Easter Monday National holiday
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day / May Day National holiday
Tuesday May 09,2023 Europe Day National holiday
Thursday May 18,2023 Ascension Day National holiday
Sunday May 28,2023 Whit Sunday Observance, Christian
Monday May 29,2023 Whit Monday National holiday
Sunday Jun 11,2023 Mother's Day Observance
Friday Jun 23,2023 National Day National holiday
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 Assumption of Mary National holiday
Sunday Oct 01,2023 Father's Day Observance
Wednesday Nov 01,2023 All Saints' Day National holiday
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve Half Day Bank holiday
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday
Tuesday Dec 26,2023 St Stephen's Day National holiday
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Observance
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day in Luxembourg, known as "Neijoerschdag," is celebrated with great enthusiasm. It marks the beginning of the year, and Luxembourgers welcome it with fireworks and parties. The holiday holds cultural importance as it is a time for family gatherings and reflecting on the past year while looking forward to new opportunities. It's also a day to exchange well-wishes for a prosperous year ahead.

Good Friday

Good Friday, called "Karfreideg" in Luxembourg, is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is observed with church services and reflection on the significance of Christ's sacrifice. This solemn day holds cultural importance as it encourages a spirit of introspection and spiritual contemplation among Luxembourg's population.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday, or "Ouschteren," is a joyous occasion in Luxembourg. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Luxembourgers engage in various traditions, such as egg hunts and feasting on special Easter dishes like "Lammeren," a lamb dish. This holiday brings families together and symbolizes renewal and hope, making it culturally significant.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday, known as "Ouschterméindeg," is a continuation of the Easter celebrations. It is a public holiday, allowing families to spend more time together. Many people take part in outdoor activities and picnics, enjoying the spring weather. Easter Monday embodies the cultural value of togetherness and outdoor appreciation.

Labor Day / May Day

Labor Day, or "Dag vun der Aarbecht," is observed in Luxembourg on May 1st. It celebrates workers and their contributions. People participate in parades and demonstrations advocating for workers' rights. This day signifies solidarity and the importance of workers in society, carrying cultural significance in Luxembourg.

Europe Day

Europe Day, celebrated on May 9th, marks the formation of the European Union. Luxembourg, as a founding member, holds this day in high regard. Various events, including concerts and exhibitions, are organized to promote European unity and diversity. Europe Day underscores Luxembourg's commitment to the EU and its cultural diversity.

Ascension Day

Ascension Day, called "Christi Himmelfaart" in Luxembourg, commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. It falls on the 40th day of Easter. Church services and processions are common on this day, emphasizing the religious and cultural significance of the event. Luxembourg's strong Christian heritage is reflected in the observance of this holiday.

Whit Sunday

Whit Sunday, or "Péngschtméindeg," is part of the Pentecost celebration, marking the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. Church services and family gatherings are common, highlighting the spiritual and cultural importance of this holiday in Luxembourg. It is a time for reflection and renewal of faith.

Whit Monday

Whit Monday, or "Péngschtméindeg," follows Whit Sunday, and it is a public holiday in Luxembourg. Families often take advantage of the long weekend to go on outings or picnics. It reflects the cultural value of spending quality time with loved ones and enjoying the outdoors.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day in Luxembourg, as in many other countries, is a special day to honor and show appreciation for mothers. Families often give gifts and spend quality time together. It emphasizes the cultural significance of maternal love and the role of mothers in society.

National Day

National Day, celebrated on June 23rd, is one of Luxembourg's most significant holidays. It marks the birthday of Grand Duke Jean and includes a military parade, fireworks, and various festivities. National Day represents patriotism and pride in Luxembourg's heritage, fostering a sense of national identity among its citizens.

Assumption of Mary

Assumption of Mary, known as "Maries Himmelfaart," is a Catholic holiday celebrating the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken into heaven. It is observed with church services and processions, reflecting the country's strong Catholic tradition. The holiday underscores the cultural importance of faith and devotion in Luxembourg.

Father's Day

Father's Day is a day to honor and appreciate fathers in Luxembourg. Families often give gifts and spend quality time together. It highlights the cultural significance of paternal love and the role of fathers in nurturing their families.

All Saints' Day

All Saints' Day, known as "Allerhellgen," is a day to commemorate all the saints and departed souls. People visit cemeteries to remember their loved ones. It emphasizes the cultural value of respecting and honoring ancestors and loved ones who have passed away, fostering a sense of continuity and remembrance in Luxembourg.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, or "Hëllef Owend," is celebrated on December 24th. Luxembourgers gather for festive dinners and attend midnight Mass. It is a time for exchanging gifts and sharing in the joy of the Christmas season. This holiday represents the cultural importance of family, faith, and the spirit of giving.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, known as "Chrëschtdag," is the culmination of the Christmas celebrations. Families continue their traditions of gift-giving and feasting. The holiday embodies the cultural significance of the birth of Jesus Christ and the spirit of love and goodwill. Christmas is a time for unity and togetherness in Luxembourg.

St Stephen's Day

St. Stephen's Day, or "Stiefesdag," is observed on December 26th. It honors St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr. People often enjoy leisure activities and sports on this public holiday. The holiday reflects Luxembourg's blend of religious observance and recreational enjoyment, contributing to its cultural diversity.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, or "Silvester," marks the end of the year with festive celebrations, including fireworks and parties. Luxembourgers bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with hope and enthusiasm. This holiday signifies the cultural importance of looking forward to new beginnings and cherishing the passing of time.