> National Holidays > Lesotho

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Lesotho


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year Public Holiday
Saturday Mar 11,2023 Moshoeshoe's Birthday Public Holiday
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday Apr 10,2023 Easter Monday Public Holiday
Monday May 01,2023 May Day Public Holiday
Thursday May 18,2023 Ascension Day Public Holiday
Thursday May 25,2023 Africa/Heroes Day Public Holiday
Monday Jul 17,2023 King's Birthday Public Holiday
Wednesday Oct 04,2023 Independence Day Public Holiday
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day Public Holiday
Tuesday Dec 26,2023 Boxing Day Public Holiday
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year

New Year in Lesotho is a festive occasion celebrated with great enthusiasm. This holiday marks the beginning of a new year and is a time for reflection and renewal. People often gather with family and friends to welcome the year ahead with joy and hope. It's a time for setting goals and making resolutions for personal and professional growth. New Year's Eve is known for lively parties and fireworks displays in major cities. The holiday holds cultural importance as it brings communities together, strengthening bonds and promoting a sense of unity. It's a time to cherish traditions and look forward to new opportunities.

Moshoeshoe's Birthday

Moshoeshoe's Birthday is a significant holiday in Lesotho celebrated to honor the founder of the Basotho nation, King Moshoeshoe I. This day is observed with pride and respect for his contributions to the country's history and unity. King Moshoeshoe I is renowned for his role in establishing the Basotho nation and promoting peace among various clans. The holiday is marked by cultural events, including traditional dances, music, and storytelling. It's an opportunity for Basotho people to reconnect with their heritage and pay homage to their founding leader. Moshoeshoe's Birthday serves as a reminder of Lesotho's rich history and the importance of unity and peace among its people.

Good Friday

Good Friday is a Christian holiday observed in Lesotho to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is a solemn and reflective day when many Basotho Christians attend church services and participate in processions. The holiday holds cultural and religious significance as it represents the sacrifice and redemption of humanity through Jesus's death on the cross. It's a time for prayer, reflection, and acts of charity. Good Friday is an important part of the Christian calendar, and it unites believers in Lesotho in their faith and devotion.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday is celebrated in Lesotho as the day following Easter Sunday. It is a joyful occasion that extends the Easter festivities. Basotho people often spend this day with family and friends, sharing meals and exchanging gifts. The holiday has cultural importance as it symbolizes new beginnings, hope, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian faith. It's a time for celebration, traditional dances, and outdoor activities. Easter Monday reinforces the values of love, renewal, and community in Lesotho's culture.

May Day

May Day, also known as Labor Day, is celebrated in Lesotho to honor the achievements and contributions of workers. It is a day when workers' rights and labor unions are recognized and celebrated. People participate in parades, rallies, and various cultural events to highlight the importance of labor and solidarity. May Day is culturally significant as it underscores the value of hard work, unity among workers, and social justice. It serves as a reminder of the struggles and successes of the labor movement in Lesotho and worldwide.

Ascension Day

Ascension Day is a Christian holiday in Lesotho that commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. On this day, many Basotho Christians attend church services and engage in prayer and reflection. It is a time to reaffirm their faith and belief in the divinity of Christ. Ascension Day holds cultural and religious importance as it reinforces the Christian heritage and values in Lesotho. It reminds people of the spiritual significance of Christ's ascension and the promise of eternal life.

Africa/Heroes Day

Africa/Heroes Day in Lesotho is a day dedicated to honoring African heroes and celebrating the continent's achievements. It is a day of pride and unity among Basotho people and Africans in general. On this day, various cultural events, including music, dance, and art exhibitions, are organized to celebrate African culture and heritage. Africa/Heroes Day holds cultural significance as it promotes a sense of belonging and African identity. It's a time to reflect on the struggles and triumphs of African nations and their role in shaping the continent's future.

King's Birthday

King's Birthday is a special holiday in Lesotho celebrated to commemorate the birth of the reigning monarch. The occasion is marked with parades, music, and cultural performances that showcase Lesotho's rich heritage. It is a day of national pride and unity as Basotho people come together to honor their king. King's Birthday holds cultural and patriotic significance as it strengthens the bond between the monarchy and the people. It's a time to celebrate the traditions and values upheld by the royal family and to express loyalty and respect for the reigning king.

Independence Day

Independence Day is a historic and highly celebrated holiday in Lesotho. It marks the nation's independence from British colonial rule on October 4, 1966. The day is filled with patriotic fervor, parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and cultural displays that showcase the country's identity and heritage. Independence Day holds immense cultural and national importance as it symbolizes Lesotho's sovereignty and self-determination. It's a time to reflect on the struggles and sacrifices made by Basotho people for their freedom and to celebrate the achievements and progress of the nation.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day in Lesotho is a joyous occasion celebrated by Christians to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time for religious observance, family gatherings, feasting, and gift-giving. Basotho people decorate their homes and churches with festive decorations, and church services are an integral part of the celebration. Christmas Day holds cultural and religious significance as it reinforces the Christian faith and promotes values of love, compassion, and goodwill. It's a time for spreading joy and togetherness in the spirit of the holiday season.

Boxing Day

Boxing Day is observed in Lesotho on December 26th, the day after Christmas. It is a time for relaxation and enjoyment, often spent with family and friends. People may exchange gifts and participate in various recreational activities. The holiday has cultural importance as it extends the Christmas celebration and provides an opportunity for people to unwind and bond with loved ones. Boxing Day is also associated with acts of charity and giving, where individuals may donate to those in need. It promotes the values of generosity and kindness in Lesotho's culture.