Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Iraq


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Friday Jan 06,2023 Army Day National holiday
Sunday Mar 05,2023 Rebellion Anniversary Regional holiday
Monday Mar 06,2023 National Day of Tolerance and Coexistence National holiday
Saturday Mar 11,2023 Anniversary of Signing of the March 11, 1970 Agreement Regional holiday
Tuesday Mar 14,2023 Birth Anniversary of the Immortal Barzani Regional holiday
Tuesday Mar 21,2023 Nowruz National holiday
Wednesday Mar 22,2023 Nowruz Holiday Regional holiday
Thursday Mar 23,2023 Nowruz Holiday Regional holiday
Thursday Mar 23,2023 Ramadan Start Observance
Monday Mar 27,2023 Public Holiday National holiday
Wednesday Apr 05,2023 Yazidi New Year Regional holiday
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Baghdad Liberation Day Regional holiday
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Fall of the Defunct Dictatorial Regime and the Liberation of Iraq Day Regional holiday
Thursday Apr 20,2023 Eid al-Fitr holiday National holiday
Friday Apr 21,2023 Eid al-Fitr National holiday
Saturday Apr 22,2023 Eid al-Fitr holiday National holiday
Sunday Apr 23,2023 Eid al-Fitr holiday National holiday
Monday Apr 24,2023 Eid al-Fitr holiday National holiday
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day National holiday
Tuesday Jun 27,2023 Eid al-Adha holiday Government Holiday
Wednesday Jun 28,2023 Eid al-Adha National holiday
Thursday Jun 29,2023 Eid al-Adha holiday National holiday
Friday Jun 30,2023 Eid al-Adha holiday National holiday
Saturday Jul 01,2023 Eid al-Adha holiday National holiday
Sunday Jul 02,2023 Eid al-Adha holiday Government Holiday
Friday Jul 14,2023 Republic Day National holiday
Wednesday Jul 19,2023 Islamic New Year National holiday
Saturday Jul 29,2023 Ashura National holiday
Monday Jul 31,2023 Ashura Holiday National holiday
Wednesday Sep 27,2023 The Prophet's Birthday (Tentative Date) National holiday
Tuesday Oct 03,2023 Iraqi Independence Day National holiday
Sunday Dec 10,2023 Anniversary of Victory over ISIS National holiday
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Observance
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day in Iraq, like around the world, marks the beginning of the year with joy and celebrations. People gather with family and friends, exchange gifts, and enjoy festive meals. It's a time for reflection on the past year and setting new goals. The cultural importance lies in the unity it brings as Iraqis of diverse backgrounds come together to embrace the hope and promise of a new year.

Army Day

Army Day honors the courage and dedication of the Iraqi Armed Forces. It's a day to remember their sacrifices and commitment to safeguarding the nation. Parades and military demonstrations are held, instilling a sense of pride and patriotism among the people. Army Day emphasizes the importance of a strong defense and the role of the armed forces in Iraq's security and sovereignty.

Rebellion Anniversary

The Rebellion Anniversary commemorates Iraq's historical struggles for freedom and justice. It's a day to reflect on the nation's resilience and the sacrifices made by those who fought for change. This holiday underscores the significance of standing up for one's rights and striving for a better future. It celebrates the spirit of rebellion and the pursuit of a just society.

National Day of Tolerance and Coexistence

The National Day of Tolerance and Coexistence promotes unity and harmony among Iraq's diverse communities. It's a day to celebrate cultural diversity and promote tolerance. Various events and activities promote dialogue and understanding among different groups. This holiday highlights the importance of coexistence and peaceful relations in Iraq's cultural fabric.

Anniversary of Signing of the March 11, 1970 Agreement

This anniversary commemorates a significant agreement in Iraq's history. It's a day to reflect on the importance of political agreements and peaceful resolutions to conflicts. The holiday emphasizes the value of diplomacy and negotiation in achieving stability and unity in the country.

Birth Anniversary of the Immortal Barzani

This day celebrates the birth of Mullah Mustafa Barzani, a prominent Kurdish leader. It's a day for the Kurdish community to honor his legacy and contributions to their cause. The holiday underlines the cultural significance of Kurdish identity and the achievements of Kurdish leaders in Iraq's history.


Nowruz, the Persian New Year, is celebrated by many Iraqis, particularly those of Kurdish and Persian descent. It marks the arrival of spring and the renewal of nature. Families gather to set the Haft-Seen table, visit loved ones, and engage in festive activities. Nowruz highlights the multicultural aspect of Iraq and the traditions of various communities living harmoniously.

Ramadan Start

Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims worldwide, including Iraq. It's a time of fasting, prayer, reflection, and increased devotion. Ramadan's cultural importance lies in the strengthening of Islamic identity and values, as well as the sense of community as people come together to break their fasts and share blessings.

Public Holiday

A public holiday in Iraq is a day of rest and leisure for citizens to enjoy time with family and friends. It provides a break from routine life and allows people to participate in various cultural and recreational activities. Public holidays contribute to the work-life balance and well-being of the Iraqi population.

Yazidi New Year

The Yazidi New Year, known as "Sere Sal," is a significant celebration for the Yazidi community. It marks the beginning of the year and involves religious rituals, communal gatherings, and traditional dances. This holiday emphasizes the unique cultural and religious heritage of the Yazidi people in Iraq.

Baghdad Liberation Day

Baghdad Liberation Day commemorates the liberation of the capital city from oppressive forces. It's a day of national pride and remembrance of the sacrifices made for freedom. Celebrations include parades and patriotic events that instill a sense of unity and resilience among Iraqis. This day underscores the importance of safeguarding Iraq's sovereignty.

Fall of the Defunct Dictatorial Regime and the Liberation of Iraq Day

This day marks a turning point in Iraq's history—the fall of a repressive regime and the beginning of a new era. It symbolizes the triumph of democracy and the will of the people. Celebrations include gatherings and reflections on the importance of freedom, democracy, and human rights. This holiday is a reminder of Iraq's journey toward a brighter future.

Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr, also known as "Eid al-Sa'id" in Iraq, is a joyous Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. It's a time for prayers, festive meals, and acts of charity. Families come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and strengthen bonds. Eid al-Fitr highlights the cultural significance of Islam in Iraq and the spirit of generosity and community during the holiday season.

Labor Day

Labor Day is dedicated to honoring the contributions of workers and the labor movement. It's a day for workers to advocate for their rights and celebrate their achievements. Parades, rallies, and speeches are common. Labor Day underscores the importance of fair labor practices and the role of workers in Iraq's development.

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha, known as "Eid al-Kabir" in Iraq, is a major Islamic holiday that commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. Families come together for prayers, sacrifice animals, and distribute meat to the needy. This holiday reflects the deep faith and generosity of the Iraqi Muslim community.

Republic Day

Republic Day marks the establishment of the Iraqi Republic in 1958. It's a day to celebrate democracy and the country's republican system of governance. Festivities include parades and cultural events, emphasizing the importance of political stability and the values of the republic.

Islamic New Year

Islamic New Year, also known as "Hijri New Year" or "Ras as-Sanah al-Hijriyah," marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar. It's a time for reflection and spiritual renewal, with Muslims engaging in prayers and contemplation. This holiday highlights the significance of the Islamic calendar and the Islamic heritage of Iraq.


Ashura is a significant religious observance for Shia Muslims in Iraq. It commemorates the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, a key figure in Islamic history. The day is marked by mourning processions, recitations, and acts of charity. Ashura emphasizes the religious and cultural importance of Imam Hussein's sacrifice and the values of justice and resistance.

Ashura Holiday

The Ashura Holiday provides an additional day of remembrance and reflection on the events of Ashura. It allows for extended observance of this important religious occasion.

The Prophet's Birthday (Tentative Date)

The celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, known as "Mawlid al-Nabi," is a festive occasion for Sunni Muslims in Iraq. It involves prayers, parades, and communal gatherings. This holiday underscores the significance of Prophet Muhammad's teachings and his role as a guiding figure in Islamic culture and history.

Iraqi Independence Day

Iraqi Independence Day marks the end of British mandate rule in 1932. It's a day of national pride and celebration of sovereignty. Festivities include parades and cultural events that highlight Iraq's journey to independence and self-determination. This holiday emphasizes the importance of national unity and self-governance.

Anniversary of Victory over ISIS

This anniversary commemorates a significant milestone in Iraq's recent history—the victory over the ISIS terrorist group. It's a day to remember the sacrifices made by Iraqi forces and civilians in the fight against terrorism. The holiday underscores the resilience and determination of the Iraqi people to combat extremism and promote peace.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is celebrated by Iraq's Christian communities to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It involves church services, festive meals, and exchanging of gifts. Christmas in Iraq highlights the cultural diversity and religious tolerance within the country, emphasizing the significance of Christianity in the nation's heritage.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is a night of celebration and anticipation for the year ahead. People gather for parties, fireworks, and countdowns to welcome the new year. It's a time to bid farewell to the old year and embrace the possibilities of the future. New Year's Eve emphasizes the spirit of hope and unity as Iraqis join the global celebration.