> National Holidays > Germany

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Germany


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Friday Jan 06,2023 Epiphany Observance, Christian
Friday Jan 06,2023 Epiphany Common local holiday
Sunday Jan 22,2023 Franco-German Day Observance
Friday Jan 27,2023 Remembrance Day for the Victims of National Socialism Observance
Tuesday Feb 14,2023 Valentine's Day Observance
Thursday Feb 16,2023 Hizir Fast Observance
Monday Feb 20,2023 Shrove Monday Observance
Tuesday Feb 21,2023 Carnival Tuesday Observance
Wednesday Feb 22,2023 Carnival / Ash Wednesday Silent Day
Wednesday Mar 08,2023 International Women's Day Observance
Wednesday Mar 08,2023 International Women's Day Common local holiday
Friday Mar 17,2023 St. Patrick's Day Observance, Christian
Saturday Mar 18,2023 Anniversary of the March Revolution Observance
Tuesday Mar 21,2023 Alevitic New Year Observance
Sunday Mar 26,2023 Daylight Saving Time starts Clock change/Daylight Saving Time
Sunday Apr 02,2023 Palm Sunday Observance, Christian
Thursday Apr 06,2023 Maundy Thursday Observance, Christian
Thursday Apr 06,2023 Maundy Thursday Silent Day
Thursday Apr 06,2023 First Day of Passover Observance, Hebrew
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday National holiday, Christian
Friday Apr 07,2023 Second Day of Passover Observance, Hebrew
Saturday Apr 08,2023 Holy Saturday Silent Day
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Christian, Common local holiday
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Observance, Christian
Monday Apr 10,2023 Easter Monday National holiday, Christian
Tuesday Apr 11,2023 Sixth Day of Passover Observance, Hebrew
Wednesday Apr 12,2023 Seventh Day of Passover Observance, Hebrew
Saturday Apr 22,2023 Eid ul Fitr Observance, Muslim
Sunday Apr 23,2023 German Beer Day Observance
Thursday Apr 27,2023 Girls' Day / Boys' Day Observance
Sunday Apr 30,2023 Walpurgis Night Observance
Monday May 01,2023 May Day National holiday
Friday May 05,2023 Europe Day (Council of Europe) Observance
Monday May 08,2023 Anniversary of the End of World War II Observance
Tuesday May 09,2023 Europe Day (European Union) Observance
Sunday May 14,2023 Mother's Day Observance
Thursday May 18,2023 Father's Day Observance
Thursday May 18,2023 Ascension Day National holiday, Christian
Tuesday May 23,2023 Constitution Day Observance
Friday May 26,2023 First Day of Shavuot Observance, Hebrew
Saturday May 27,2023 Second Day of Shavuot Observance, Hebrew
Sunday May 28,2023 Whit Sunday Observance, Christian
Sunday May 28,2023 Whit Sunday Christian, Common local holiday
Monday May 29,2023 Whit Monday National holiday, Christian
Thursday Jun 01,2023 International Childrens' Day Observance
Saturday Jun 03,2023 European Bicycle Day Observance
Thursday Jun 08,2023 Corpus Christi Christian, Common local holiday
Saturday Jun 17,2023 Remembrance of the Victims of SED Injustice Observance
Sunday Jun 18,2023 Car-free Sunday Observance
Saturday Jun 24,2023 St. John Observance, Christian
Saturday Jun 24,2023 Architecture Day Observance
Thursday Jun 29,2023 St Peter and Paul Observance, Christian
Thursday Jun 29,2023 Eid al-Adha Observance, Muslim
Friday Jul 28,2023 Ashura Observance, Muslim
Tuesday Aug 08,2023 Peace Festival in Augsburg Local holiday
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 Assumption of Mary Christian, Common local holiday
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 Assumption of Mary Observance, Christian
Friday Sep 01,2023 Anti War Day Observance
Saturday Sep 09,2023 German Language Day Observance
Sunday Sep 10,2023 European Heritage Days Observance
Saturday Sep 16,2023 Rosh Hashana Observance, Hebrew
Sunday Sep 17,2023 Second Day of Rosh Hashana Observance, Hebrew
Wednesday Sep 20,2023 German World Children's Day Observance
Wednesday Sep 20,2023 German World Children's Day Common local holiday
Monday Sep 25,2023 Yom Kippur Observance, Hebrew
Saturday Sep 30,2023 German Food Bank Day Observance
Saturday Sep 30,2023 First day of Sukkot Observance, Hebrew
Sunday Oct 01,2023 Harvest Festival Observance
Sunday Oct 01,2023 Second Day of Sukkot Observance, Hebrew
Tuesday Oct 03,2023 Day of German Unity National holiday
Thursday Oct 05,2023 Sixth Day of Sukkot Observance, Hebrew
Friday Oct 06,2023 Seventh Day of Sukkot Observance, Hebrew
Saturday Oct 07,2023 Shemini Atzeret Observance, Hebrew
Sunday Oct 08,2023 Simchat Torah Observance, Hebrew
Sunday Oct 08,2023 Grandparents' Day Observance
Sunday Oct 29,2023 Daylight Saving Time ends Clock change/Daylight Saving Time
Monday Oct 30,2023 World Thrift Day Observance
Tuesday Oct 31,2023 Reformation Day Common local holiday
Tuesday Oct 31,2023 Reformation Day Observance, Christian
Tuesday Oct 31,2023 Halloween Observance
Wednesday Nov 01,2023 All Saints' Day Silent Day, public holiday
Wednesday Nov 01,2023 All Saints' Day Observance, Christian
Thursday Nov 02,2023 All Souls' Day Silent Day
Thursday Nov 09,2023 Night of Broken Glass Remembrance Day Observance
Thursday Nov 09,2023 9th of November Observance
Thursday Nov 09,2023 Fall of the Berlin Wall Observance
Saturday Nov 11,2023 St. Martin's Day Observance, Christian
Sunday Nov 19,2023 National Day of Mourning Silent Day
Wednesday Nov 22,2023 Repentance Day Silent Day
Wednesday Nov 22,2023 Repentance Day Christian, Common local holiday
Wednesday Nov 22,2023 Repentance Day Observance, Christian
Sunday Nov 26,2023 Sunday of the Dead Silent Day
Sunday Dec 03,2023 First Advent Sunday Observance, Christian
Wednesday Dec 06,2023 Saint Nicholas Day Observance, Christian
Friday Dec 08,2023 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Observance, Christian
Sunday Dec 10,2023 Second Advent Sunday Observance, Christian
Sunday Dec 17,2023 Third Advent Sunday Observance, Christian
Tuesday Dec 19,2023 Remembrance Day for Roma and Sinti killed by Genocide Observance
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Fourth Advent Sunday Observance, Christian
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve Silent Day
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday, Christian
Tuesday Dec 26,2023 Boxing Day National holiday, Christian
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Bank holiday
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, known as "Neujahrstag" in Germany, marks the beginning of the year with grand celebrations, fireworks, and parties. It's a time for people to make resolutions and start fresh, and it holds cultural importance as a day of hope and optimism for the year ahead.


Epiphany, or "Heilige Drei Könige" in German, is celebrated on January 6th. It commemorates the visit of the three wise men to the baby Jesus. It's a Christian holiday observed with church services, processions, and the "Sternsinger" tradition where children dress as the magi and sing carols. Epiphany holds cultural significance as a religious observance and a day of charity, as children often collect donations for charitable causes during their visits.

Franco-German Day

Franco-German Day, known as "Tag des Deutsch-Französischen Freundschaft" in German, is celebrated on January 22nd to strengthen the friendship between Germany and France. It holds cultural importance as a symbol of reconciliation after World War II and promotes Franco-German cooperation and understanding through various events and initiatives.

Remembrance Day for the Victims of National Socialism

Remembrance Day for the Victims of National Socialism, known as "Gedenktag für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus" in German, is observed on January 27th. It honors the memory of those who suffered and perished during the Nazi regime. This day serves as a cultural reminder of the atrocities of the past and the importance of never forgetting and learning from history to prevent such horrors from happening again.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, known as "Valentinstag" in German, is a day to celebrate love and affection between couples. It's a cultural celebration of romantic love, with people exchanging gifts, cards, and tokens of affection. Valentine's Day is an occasion to express love and appreciation for partners and loved ones.

Hizir Fast

Hizir Fast, also known as "Hızır Orucu" in Turkish, is observed by the Turkish community in Germany. It is a religious fasting day that holds cultural importance for Turkish Muslims as a time of spiritual reflection and devotion.

Shrove Monday

Shrove Monday, known as "Rosenmontag" in German, is a part of the Carnival season and is celebrated with colorful parades and festivities. People dress up in costumes, and it marks the beginning of the pre-Lenten celebrations. Shrove Monday is culturally significant as a day of joy, merriment, and revelry before the solemnity of Lent.

Carnival Tuesday

Carnival Tuesday, known as "Fastnachtsdienstag" or "Faschingsdienstag" in German, is the second day of the Carnival season, following Shrove Monday. It continues the lively and festive atmosphere with parades, parties, and costume events. Carnival Tuesday is culturally important for its role in the Carnival season, offering people a chance to enjoy the last day of festivities before the start of Lent.

Carnival / Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, known as "Aschermittwoch" in German, marks the beginning of Lent, a period of fasting and reflection for Christians. It is culturally important as a time to prepare for Easter by attending church services, receiving ashes on the forehead, and making personal sacrifices. The Carnival season comes to a close, and a more solemn atmosphere prevails.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day, known as "Internationaler Frauentag" in German, is celebrated on March 8th to honor the achievements and promote the rights of women. It holds cultural importance as a day to advocate for gender equality and women's empowerment through various events, demonstrations, and discussions.

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day, known as "St. Patrick's Tag" in German, celebrates Irish culture and the patron saint of Ireland. It's observed with parades, green-themed events, and traditional Irish music and dance. St. Patrick's Day has cultural significance as a day for people of Irish heritage to connect with their roots and for all to enjoy the vibrant spirit of Ireland.

Anniversary of the March Revolution

The Anniversary of the March Revolution, known as "Gedenktag der Märzrevolution" in German, commemorates the events of the March Revolution of 1848. It holds cultural importance as a day to remember the struggle for democracy and civil rights in Germany's history. Various events and discussions take place to reflect on the impact of this revolution on modern Germany.

Alevitic New Year

Alevitic New Year, known as "Alevi Yılbaşı" in Turkish, is celebrated by the Alevi community in Germany. It marks the beginning of the new year and holds cultural significance as a time for spiritual reflection, gatherings, and the sharing of traditional Alevi rituals and teachings.

Daylight Saving Time starts

Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts in Germany, known as "Sommerzeit" in German. It begins in spring, and clocks are set forward by one hour. DST is culturally important as it signifies the arrival of longer daylight hours and the transition to warmer seasons, allowing people to make the most of their evenings and outdoor activities.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday, known as "Palmsonntag" in German, is the Sunday before Easter and commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It is celebrated with church services where palm fronds are blessed and distributed. Palm Sunday is culturally significant as it marks the beginning of Holy Week and the preparation for Easter.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday, known as "Gründonnerstag" in German, is observed during Holy Week and commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. It holds cultural importance as it marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum, a period of reflection and solemnity leading up to Easter Sunday.

First Day of Passover

The first day of Passover, known as "Pessach" in German, commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. It is culturally significant for the Jewish community as a time for family gatherings, special meals, and the retelling of the Exodus story.

Good Friday

Good Friday, known as "Karfreitag" in German, is a Christian holiday that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is observed with church services, processions, and reflections on Jesus' sacrifice. Good Friday is culturally significant as a day of solemnity and spiritual contemplation, leading up to Easter Sunday.

Second Day of Passover

The second day of Passover, known as "Pessach" in German, is a continuation of the Passover celebration, marked by special meals, prayers, and gatherings. It holds cultural significance for the Jewish community as a time to strengthen family bonds and pass down traditions.

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday, known as "Karsamstag" in German, is observed on the day before Easter Sunday. It is a time of anticipation and preparation for the Easter Vigil. Holy Saturday holds cultural importance as it marks the transition from the solemnity of Good Friday to the joyous celebration of Easter.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday, known as "Ostersonntag" in German, is the most important day in the Christian calendar, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is observed with church services, festive meals, and the exchange of Easter eggs. Easter Sunday is culturally significant as it symbolizes the victory of life over death and represents hope and renewal.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday, known as "Ostermontag" in German, is a continuation of the Easter celebrations, marked by family gatherings, outdoor activities, and relaxation. It holds cultural significance as a day to spend time with loved ones and enjoy the Easter season.

Sixth Day of Passover

The sixth day of Passover, known as "Pessach" in German, continues the Passover observance with prayers, meals, and traditions. It is a time for the Jewish community to reflect on their history and faith.

Seventh Day of Passover

The seventh day of Passover, known as "Pessach" in German, is the final day of the Passover celebration. It is culturally important as it marks the conclusion of Passover with special prayers and festive gatherings.

Eid ul Fitr

Eid ul Fitr, known as "Ramadanfest" in German, is a significant Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. It is celebrated with special prayers, festive meals, and the giving of gifts. Eid ul Fitr holds cultural importance for the Muslim community as a time of gratitude, charity, and unity among family and friends.

German Beer Day

German Beer Day, known as "Tag des deutschen Bieres" in German, celebrates the country's rich brewing tradition. It is culturally significant as a day to appreciate and enjoy Germany's diverse beer culture, with events, tastings, and promotions held at breweries and beer gardens across the nation.

Girls' Day / Boys' Day

Girls' Day and Boys' Day, known as "Girls' Day" and "Boys' Day" in German, are initiatives to promote gender equality in education and career choices. These days are culturally important as they encourage young people to explore professions traditionally dominated by the opposite gender, fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities.

Walpurgis Night

Walpurgis Night, known as "Walpurgisnacht" in German, is celebrated on April 30th with bonfires, costume parties, and revelry. It holds cultural importance as a tradition to welcome the arrival of spring and ward off evil spirits.

May Day

May Day, known as "Tag der Arbeit" in German, is celebrated on May 1st as a day to honor workers' rights and achievements. It holds cultural importance as a day for labor unions, workers, and activists to advocate for fair labor practices and social justice through rallies and demonstrations. Maypoles are erected, and people enjoy outdoor festivities.

Europe Day (Council of Europe)

Europe Day, celebrated on May 5th, marks the anniversary of the founding of the Council of Europe. It holds cultural importance as a day to promote European unity and cooperation through events, discussions, and cultural activities that highlight the values and principles of the Council of Europe.

Anniversary of the End of World War II

The Anniversary of the End of World War II, known as "Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Zweiten Weltkriegs" in German, is observed on May 8th and marks the end of World War II in Europe. It holds cultural importance as a day to remember the sacrifices and suffering of those who lived through the war and to promote peace, reconciliation, and unity among nations. Various commemorative events take place across Germany.

Europe Day (European Union)

Europe Day, celebrated on May 9th, commemorates the Schuman Declaration and the birth of the European Union. It holds cultural importance as a day to celebrate European integration and unity through various events, activities, and educational initiatives that promote European values and cooperation among EU member states.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, known as "Muttertag" in German, is a day to honor and appreciate mothers and mother figures. It holds cultural importance as a day for families to express love and gratitude to mothers through gifts, cards, and special gestures.

Father's Day

Father's Day, known as "Vatertag" or "Herrentag" in German, is celebrated on Ascension Day, usually in May or early June. It is a day for honoring fathers and spending quality time with them. Father's Day is culturally significant as a time for outdoor activities, hiking, and social gatherings with friends and family.

Ascension Day

Ascension Day, known as "Christi Himmelfahrt" in German, commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. It is a Christian holiday observed with church services and processions. Ascension Day holds cultural importance as a time for spiritual reflection and a reminder of the central events in Christian faith.

Constitution Day

Constitution Day, known as "Tag des Grundgesetzes" in German, celebrates the adoption of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) on May 23, 1949. It holds cultural importance as a day to honor and reflect on Germany's democratic constitution and principles. Various events and discussions highlight the significance of the Basic Law in shaping modern Germany.

First Day of Shavuot

The first day of Shavuot, known as "Schawuot" in German, commemorates the giving of the Torah to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. It is observed with prayers, festive meals, and the reading of the Ten Commandments. The holiday holds cultural importance for the Jewish community as a time to celebrate the Torah and Jewish heritage.

Second Day of Shavuot

The second day of Shavuot, known as "Schawuot" in German, continues the celebration of the giving of the Torah. It is a time for additional prayers and traditional customs. The holiday holds cultural significance as a continuation of the commemoration of the Torah and its importance in Jewish life.

Whit Sunday

Whit Sunday, known as "Pfingstsonntag" in German, celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. It is observed with church services and special prayers. Whit Sunday holds cultural importance as a Christian holiday that emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in the faith and the unity of believers.

Whit Monday

Whit Monday, known as "Pfingstmontag" in German, is the day after Whit Sunday and continues the Pentecost celebrations. It is a public holiday with cultural significance as a time for outdoor activities, picnics, and gatherings with family and friends.

International Childrens' Day

International Children's Day, known as "Internationaler Kindertag" in German, is celebrated on June 1st to promote children's rights and well-being. It holds cultural importance as a day to raise awareness of children's issues through various activities, events, and educational initiatives. It emphasizes the importance of children's welfare and protection.

European Bicycle Day

European Bicycle Day, celebrated on June 3rd, promotes cycling as an eco-friendly and healthy mode of transportation. It holds cultural importance as a day to raise awareness of sustainable mobility and the benefits of cycling through bike rides, events, and initiatives that encourage people to choose bikes for their daily commute.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, known as "Fronleichnam" in German, is a Christian holiday that celebrates the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. It is observed with church processions and processions, reflecting cultural and religious devotion.

Remembrance of the Victims of SED Injustice

Remembrance of the Victims of SED Injustice, known as "Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des SED-Unrechts" in German, is observed on June 17th. It commemorates the victims of the former East German communist regime (SED). The day holds cultural importance as a reminder of the injustices suffered during the division of Germany and promotes reconciliation and remembrance of the past.

Car-free Sunday

Car-Free Sunday, known as "Autofreier Sonntag" in German, is a day to raise awareness of environmental issues by encouraging people to use alternative forms of transportation. It holds cultural importance as a reminder of the need for sustainable mobility and reduced carbon emissions.

St. John

St. John's Day, known as "Johannistag" in German, is celebrated on June 24th to honor John the Baptist. It is observed with bonfires, outdoor festivities, and traditional customs. St. John's Day holds cultural significance as a midsummer celebration that marks the summer solstice and the arrival of the warm season. It is a time to enjoy nature and connect with traditions.

Architecture Day

Architecture Day, known as "Tag der Architektur" in German, showcases the country's architectural achievements through exhibitions, tours, and events. It holds cultural importance as a day to appreciate architectural design and innovation while exploring notable buildings and structures across Germany.

St Peter and Paul

St. Peter and Paul, known as "Peter und Paul" in German, is celebrated on June 29th in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul. It holds cultural importance as a Christian feast day observed with church services and processions, emphasizing the significance of these saints in Christian tradition.

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha, known as "Opferfest" in German, is a significant Islamic holiday that commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. It is celebrated with special prayers, communal meals, and the sacrifice of animals. Eid al-Adha holds cultural importance for the Muslim community as a time of devotion, generosity, and unity with family and neighbors.


Ashura, known as "Aschura" in German, is observed by the Muslim community, particularly by Shia Muslims, to commemorate significant events in Islamic history. It holds cultural importance as a day of fasting, reflection, and remembrance, with some engaging in self-flagellation rituals. Ashura is a time for spiritual contemplation and solidarity among Muslims.

Peace Festival in Augsburg

Peace Festival in Augsburg, known as "Friedensfest Augsburg" in German, is celebrated on August 8th and commemorates the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, which ended religious conflicts in the Holy Roman Empire. It holds cultural importance as a day to promote peace, tolerance, and unity through various events, including concerts, parades, and peace-related discussions.

Assumption of Mary

Assumption of Mary, known as "Mariä Himmelfahrt" in German, is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief that the Virgin Mary was taken into heaven. It is observed with church services and processions. Assumption of Mary holds cultural importance as a day to honor Mary's role in Christian faith and as a symbol of faith and devotion.

Anti War Day

Anti-War Day, known as "Antikriegstag" in German, is observed on September 1st to promote peace and remember the outbreak of World War II. It holds cultural importance as a day for peace demonstrations, discussions, and events that highlight the importance of conflict resolution and global cooperation to prevent war.

German Language Day

German Language Day, known as "Tag der deutschen Sprache" in German, celebrates the German language and its cultural significance. It is a day to promote linguistic diversity and language preservation. Various events and initiatives encourage the use and appreciation of the German language.

European Heritage Days

European Heritage Days, known as "Tag des offenen Denkmals" in German, provide access to historical sites and monuments. They hold cultural importance as a celebration of Europe's rich cultural heritage and history. Visitors can explore architectural treasures and learn about the cultural significance of these sites through guided tours and exhibitions.

Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashanah, known as "Rosch ha-Schana" in German, is the Jewish New Year. It is observed with special prayers, festive meals, and the sounding of the shofar (ram's horn). Rosh Hashanah holds cultural significance for the Jewish community as a time of introspection, repentance, and the beginning of the High Holy Days.

Second Day of Rosh Hashana

The second day of Rosh Hashanah continues the observance of the Jewish New Year with prayers and traditions. It holds cultural importance as a time for extended family gatherings and religious reflection.

German World Children's Day

German World Children's Day, known as "Weltkindertag" in German, is celebrated on September 20th to advocate for children's rights and well-being worldwide. It holds cultural importance as a day to raise awareness of the challenges children face and to promote their rights to education, health, and protection through various activities and initiatives.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur, known as "Jom Kippur" in German, is the holiest day in Judaism, observed as a day of fasting, prayer, and repentance. It holds cultural significance for the Jewish community as a time for spiritual reflection, seeking forgiveness, and making amends with others. Yom Kippur is a solemn and introspective day.

German Food Bank Day

German Food Bank Day, known as "Tag der deutschen Tafel" in German, raises awareness and support for food banks across the country. It holds cultural importance as a day to address food insecurity and promote charitable efforts to provide meals for those in need. People can donate food or funds to support food banks' initiatives.

First day of Sukkot

The first day of Sukkot, known as "Sukkot" in German, is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the harvest season and the Israelites' wanderings in the desert. It is celebrated with the building of sukkahs (temporary booths), festive meals, and prayers. Sukkot holds cultural significance for the Jewish community as a time to connect with nature and appreciate the blessings of the harvest.

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival, known as "Erntedankfest" in German, is a time to give thanks for the year's harvest and blessings. It is celebrated with church services, parades, and displays of agricultural produce. Harvest Festival holds cultural importance as a day to appreciate the importance of agriculture and the abundance of the land.

Second Day of Sukkot

The second day of Sukkot continues the Jewish holiday's observance with prayers and festive gatherings. It is culturally important for the Jewish community as a time to share meals and celebrate the harvest season.

Day of German Unity

Day of German Unity, known as "Tag der Deutschen Einheit" in German, celebrates the reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990. It holds cultural importance as a national holiday marked by celebrations, events, and reflections on the country's history and unity. The day symbolizes the end of the division and the strength of a unified Germany.

Sixth Day of Sukkot

The sixth day of Sukkot is part of the Jewish holiday's observance with prayers, traditions, and festive meals. It continues to celebrate the harvest season and the dwelling in sukkahs.

Seventh Day of Sukkot

The seventh day of Sukkot marks the conclusion of the Jewish holiday, with prayers and customs related to the harvest. It is culturally significant for the Jewish community as a time to express gratitude and reflect on the blessings of the year.

Shemini Atzeret

Shemini Atzeret, known as "Schmini Azeret" in German, follows Sukkot and is a time for additional prayers and religious observance. It is culturally important for the Jewish community as a day of assembly and reflection.

Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah, known as "Simchat Tora" in German, celebrates the completion of the annual cycle of Torah readings. It is marked by lively dancing, singing, and the unrolling of the Torah scrolls. Simchat Torah holds cultural significance for the Jewish community as a joyful and celebratory holiday that emphasizes the centrality of the Torah in Jewish life.

Grandparents' Day

Grandparents' Day, known as "Tag der Großeltern" in German, honors and appreciates grandparents and their role in families. It is culturally significant as a day for children and grandchildren to express love and gratitude to their grandparents through various gestures and activities.

Daylight Saving Time ends

Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends in Germany, known as "Winterzeit" in German. It occurs in late October, and clocks are set back by one hour. DST is culturally important as it signifies the transition to shorter daylight hours and the approach of the winter season, affecting daily routines and outdoor activities.

World Thrift Day

World Thrift Day, known as "Weltspartag" in German, encourages saving money and financial responsibility. It holds cultural importance as a day to promote the habit of saving among people of all ages, with banks and financial institutions often offering special programs and incentives.

Reformation Day

Reformation Day, known as "Reformationstag" in German, commemorates Martin Luther's posting of the 95 Theses in 1517, sparking the Protestant Reformation. It holds cultural importance as a significant event in religious history. It is observed with church services, lectures, and discussions on the Reformation's impact on Christianity and society.


Halloween is celebrated in Germany as "Halloween" and has gained popularity in recent years. It is culturally significant as a day for costume parties, trick-or-treating, and themed events. People dress up in costumes, carve pumpkins, and enjoy spooky decorations. Halloween provides an opportunity for creative expression and festive fun.

All Saints' Day

All Saints' Day, known as "Allerheiligen" in German, is a Christian holiday that honors all saints and martyrs. It is observed with church services and visits to cemeteries to remember deceased loved ones. All Saints' Day holds cultural importance as a day of remembrance and reflection on the lives of holy individuals.

All Souls' Day

All Souls' Day, known as "Allerseelen" in German, is a Christian holiday that remembers and prays for the souls of the departed. It is culturally significant as a day to honor and remember loved ones who have passed away, often marked by visiting cemeteries and lighting candles. All Souls' Day provides comfort and solace to those grieving the loss of family and friends.

Night of Broken Glass Remembrance Day

Night of Broken Glass Remembrance Day, known as "Gedenktag zur Reichspogromnacht" in German, is observed on November 9th to commemorate the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) in 1938 when Nazis carried out violent attacks on Jewish businesses and synagogues. It holds cultural importance as a day to remember the horrors of the Holocaust and promote tolerance and unity. Various events and educational initiatives raise awareness of this dark chapter in history.

9th of November

The 9th of November marks several significant historical events in Germany, including the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the November Revolution of 1918. It is culturally significant as a day of reflection on these events and their impact on German history and reunification. Various commemorative activities and discussions take place on this day.

Fall of the Berlin Wall

The Fall of the Berlin Wall, celebrated on November 9th, marks the end of the division between East and West Germany in 1989. It holds immense cultural importance as a symbol of reunification, freedom, and the end of the Cold War era. The day is celebrated with events, exhibitions, and commemorations that reflect on the historical significance of the wall's fall.

St. Martin's Day

St. Martin's Day, known as "Sankt Martin" in German, is celebrated on November 11th with lantern processions, parades, and festive meals. It holds cultural importance as a day to honor Saint Martin and promote acts of kindness and charity, as the saint is known for sharing his coat with a beggar. St. Martin's Day also marks the beginning of the Christmas season in some regions.

National Day of Mourning

National Day of Mourning, known as "Volkstrauertag" in German, is observed on the second Sunday in November to remember the victims of war and violence. It holds cultural importance as a day of solemn remembrance, with ceremonies, wreath-laying, and moments of silence at war memorials. The day emphasizes the need for peace and reconciliation.

Repentance Day

Repentance Day, known as "Buß- und Bettag" in German, is a Christian holiday observed on the Wednesday before November 23rd. It is a time for reflection, prayer, and repentance. Repentance Day holds cultural significance as a day for seeking forgiveness and reconciling with one's conscience. It is also a public holiday in some regions of Germany.

Sunday of the Dead

Sunday of the Dead, known as "Totensonntag" in German, is observed on the last Sunday before Advent. It is a day to remember and honor deceased loved ones with church services and visits to cemeteries. Sunday of the Dead holds cultural importance as a day to reflect on the cycle of life and death and to cherish the memories of those who have passed away.

First Advent Sunday

The First Advent Sunday marks the beginning of the Advent season leading up to Christmas. It is culturally significant as a time for Christians to prepare spiritually for the birth of Jesus Christ. Advent calendars and wreaths are common traditions during this season.

Saint Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day, known as "Nikolaustag" in German, is celebrated on December 6th with the visit of Saint Nicholas (Sankt Nikolaus) who brings gifts to children. It holds cultural importance as a precursor to Christmas and a day of joy for children who eagerly await their presents. In some regions, Saint Nicholas is accompanied by Krampus, a folklore figure who punishes naughty children.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, known as "Mariä Empfängnis" in German, celebrates the belief that the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin. It is observed on December 8th with church services and processions. The feast holds cultural importance as a day to honor Mary's purity and role in Christian faith.

Second Advent Sunday

The Second Advent Sunday continues the Advent season's observance with prayers, church services, and the lighting of the second candle on the Advent wreath. It marks the progression towards Christmas and the anticipation of the birth of Jesus.

Third Advent Sunday

The Third Advent Sunday is celebrated with prayers, church services, and the lighting of the third candle on the Advent wreath. It is culturally significant as a time to deepen the sense of anticipation for the coming of Christ during the Christmas season.

Remembrance Day for Roma and Sinti killed by Genocide

Remembrance Day for Roma and Sinti killed by Genocide, known as "Gedenktag für die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma" in German, is observed on December 16th. It commemorates the Romani and Sinti victims of the Holocaust during World War II. The day holds cultural importance as a reminder of the atrocities committed and the need for tolerance and remembrance.

Fourth Advent Sunday

The Fourth Advent Sunday, also known as Christmas Eve, is celebrated on December 24th as the culmination of the Advent season. It is a time for festive gatherings, gift-giving, and the lighting of the fourth candle on the Advent wreath. Christmas Eve holds immense cultural significance as the night of Christ's birth, marked by church services, nativity scenes, and family traditions. It is the main celebration of Christmas in Germany.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day, known as "Erster Weihnachtstag" in German, is observed on December 25th as the day of Christ's birth. It is culturally significant as a time for church services, family meals, and the exchange of gifts. Christmas trees and decorations adorn homes, and the holiday emphasizes the spirit of love, generosity, and togetherness.

Christmas Day

Boxing Day, known as "Zweiter Weihnachtstag" in German, is celebrated on December 26th as a continuation of the Christmas festivities. It is culturally important as a day for family gatherings, leisure activities, and additional holiday meals. Boxing Day provides an opportunity for extended celebrations and relaxation during the Christmas season.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, known as "Silvester" in German, marks the end of the year with festive parties, fireworks, and countdowns to midnight. It is culturally significant as a time for reflection on the past year and the anticipation of the New Year. People gather with friends and family to celebrate and welcome the upcoming year with joy and hope.