> National Holidays > Dominican Republic

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Friday Jan 06,2023 Epiphany Observance
Monday Jan 09,2023 Epiphany National holiday
Saturday Jan 21,2023 Our Lady of Altagracia National holiday
Thursday Jan 26,2023 Duarte's Day Observance
Monday Jan 30,2023 Day off for Duarte's Day National holiday
Monday Feb 27,2023 Independence Day National holiday
Thursday Apr 06,2023 Maundy Thursday Observance, Christian
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday National holiday, Christian
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day National holiday
Sunday May 28,2023 Mother's Day Observance
Thursday Jun 08,2023 Corpus Christi National holiday
Sunday Jul 30,2023 Father's Day Observance
Wednesday Aug 16,2023 Restoration Day National holiday
Sunday Sep 24,2023 Feast of Our Lady of Mercy National holiday
Monday Nov 06,2023 Constitution Day National holiday
Sunday Dec 24,2023 Christmas Eve Observance
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Observance
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, known as "Año Nuevo" in the Dominican Republic, is a widely celebrated holiday. It marks the beginning of the new year and is a time for joyous gatherings, parties, and fireworks. Dominicans come together with family and friends to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one. It's a cultural tradition to make resolutions for the year ahead, and the holiday holds the promise of fresh beginnings and new opportunities.


Epiphany, or "Día de los Reyes," is celebrated on January 6th in the Dominican Republic. It commemorates the visit of the Three Wise Men to the baby Jesus. Dominicans often exchange gifts and enjoy a special cake called "Rosca de Reyes." This holiday emphasizes the cultural and religious significance of the Nativity story and the spirit of giving.

Our Lady of Altagracia

Our Lady of Altagracia, or "Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia," is a significant religious holiday observed on January 21st. It honors the patroness of the Dominican Republic. Pilgrimages to the Basilica of Our Lady of Altagracia in Higüey are common during this time. The holiday showcases the deep devotion to the Virgin Mary and is a cultural expression of faith.

Duarte's Day

Duarte's Day, celebrated on January 26th, honors Juan Pablo Duarte, one of the founding fathers of the Dominican Republic. It is a day to reflect on the ideals of freedom and independence. Parades, ceremonies, and educational events highlight the cultural importance of Duarte's contributions to the nation's history.

Day off for Duarte's Day

This is a day off in honor of Duarte's Day, allowing Dominicans to participate in various cultural and educational activities that celebrate the legacy of Juan Pablo Duarte.

Independence Day

Independence Day, or "Día de la Independencia," is celebrated on February 27th to commemorate the Dominican Republic's independence from Haitian rule in 1844. The holiday is marked by patriotic parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and cultural performances. It's a significant day that instills a sense of national pride and unity among Dominicans.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday, known as "Jueves Santo," is a Christian holiday that falls during Holy Week. It commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. Dominicans participate in religious processions and church services, emphasizing the cultural and spiritual significance of Easter.

Good Friday

Good Friday, or "Viernes Santo," is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Dominicans engage in religious activities, including processions and attending church services. It's a day of reflection and cultural expression of faith.

Labor Day

Labor Day, or "Día del Trabajo," is celebrated on May 1st in the Dominican Republic. It honors the contributions of workers to society. Labor unions and workers organize parades, rallies, and discussions about workers' rights and labor-related issues. It underscores the cultural importance of fair labor practices and social justice.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, known as "Día de las Madres," is a day to honor mothers and mother figures. Dominicans express their love and gratitude by giving gifts, cards, and spending quality time with their mothers. It's a culturally significant occasion that celebrates the role of mothers in Dominican families.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is a Christian holiday celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. It commemorates the Eucharist and the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Dominicans participate in religious processions and church services, emphasizing the cultural and spiritual significance of this feast.

Father's Day

Father's Day, known as "Día de los Padres," is a day to honor fathers and father figures. Similar to Mother's Day, Dominicans express their love and appreciation for their fathers through gifts, cards, and quality time together. It's a cultural celebration of the important role fathers play in Dominican families.

Restoration Day

Restoration Day, celebrated on August 16th, commemorates the restoration of the Dominican Republic's sovereignty from Spanish rule in 1863. Parades, ceremonies, and historical reenactments highlight the cultural importance of this event and the nation's resilience.

Feast of Our Lady of Mercy

The Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, or "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes," is a religious holiday honoring the patroness of the Dominican Armed Forces. It is observed with church services, processions, and military parades, emphasizing the cultural and spiritual significance of this devotion.

Constitution Day

Constitution Day, celebrated on November 6th, commemorates the Dominican Republic's adoption of its first constitution in 1844. The holiday includes patriotic parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and cultural performances that highlight the nation's democratic principles and cultural identity.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, known as "Nochebuena," is a festive holiday celebrated on December 24th. Dominicans gather with family and friends for a traditional Christmas dinner, which often includes roasted pig and other special dishes. It's a cultural celebration of togetherness and anticipation for Christmas Day.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, known as "Navidad," is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a day of religious observance, gift-giving, and sharing special meals with loved ones. Cultural traditions like the "parrandas" (caroling) and the "Nochebuena" feast enhance the festive atmosphere. Christmas Day holds significant cultural importance as a time of joy and family gatherings.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, known as "Fin de Año," is celebrated on December 31st as the year comes to a close. Dominicans partake in lively parties, music, dancing, and fireworks to welcome the new year. It's a night of reflection, resolutions, and cultural traditions that signify hope and optimism for the future.