Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Chile


Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Monday Jan 02,2023 Day off for New Year's Day National holiday
Thursday Apr 06,2023 Maundy Thursday Observance, Christian
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday National holiday, Christian
Saturday Apr 08,2023 Holy Saturday National holiday, Christian
Sunday Apr 09,2023 Easter Sunday Observance, Christian
Monday May 01,2023 Labor Day / May Day National holiday
Sunday May 07,2023 Constitutional Council Elections National holiday
Sunday May 21,2023 Navy Day National holiday
Thursday Jun 08,2023 Corpus Christi Observance, Christian
Wednesday Jun 21,2023 National Day of Indigenous Peoples National holiday
Monday Jun 26,2023 Saint Peter and Saint Paul National holiday
Sunday Jul 16,2023 Our Lady of Mount Carmel National holiday
Tuesday Aug 15,2023 Assumption of Mary National holiday
Monday Sep 18,2023 National Day National holiday
Tuesday Sep 19,2023 Army Day National holiday
Monday Oct 09,2023 Day of the Discovery of Two Worlds National holiday
Friday Oct 27,2023 Reformation Day National holiday
Wednesday Nov 01,2023 All Saints' Day National holiday
Friday Dec 08,2023 Inmaculate Conception Day National holiday
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday, Christian
Sunday Dec 31,2023 New Year's Eve Bank holiday
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, known as "Año Nuevo" in Chile, is celebrated with grand festivities on January 1st. It marks the beginning of a new year and is a time for people to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with optimism and joy. Chileans gather with family and friends for parties, fireworks, and countdowns. This holiday has cultural significance as it symbolizes new beginnings, hope, and a fresh start. It's a time for reflection on the past and setting resolutions for the future, fostering unity and a sense of renewal within Chilean society.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday, known as "Jueves Santo" in Chile, is part of Holy Week leading up to Easter. It commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. Many Chileans attend church services and participate in religious processions on this day. Maundy Thursday is culturally important as it reinforces the Christian faith and the values of humility, service, and communion. It's a time for Chilean Christians to reflect on the spiritual significance of the Last Supper and the importance of love and selflessness in their lives.

Good Friday

Good Friday, or "Viernes Santo," is a significant Christian holiday observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Chileans engage in religious activities, including attending church services, processions, and reenactments of the Stations of the Cross. Good Friday holds cultural importance as it deepens the connection between Chilean Christians and their faith, fostering a sense of devotion, reflection, and community. It's a time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus and its spiritual significance.

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday, or "Sábado Santo," falls between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It represents the day when Jesus' body lay in the tomb. In Chile, it is a day of solemn reflection and preparation for the joyous Easter celebration. Many attend church services and participate in the blessing of Easter food. Holy Saturday is culturally significant as it allows Chileans to connect with the Easter story and anticipate the resurrection of Jesus, reinforcing their Christian faith and traditions. It's a day of spiritual significance and anticipation in Chilean culture.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday, or "Domingo de Pascua," is the most important Christian holiday in Chile, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is marked by festive church services, processions, and the sharing of special Easter meals with family and friends. Children often participate in Easter egg hunts. Easter Sunday has cultural importance as it represents the pinnacle of the Christian faith, emphasizing hope, renewal, and the victory of life over death. It's a time for Chileans to come together in celebration of their religious beliefs and the cultural traditions associated with Easter.

Labor Day / May Day

Labor Day, known as "Día del Trabajador" or "Primero de Mayo" in Chile, is celebrated on May 1st to honor the labor movement and workers' rights. It is a day for workers to advocate for better working conditions and to reflect on labor-related issues. Labor Day holds cultural significance as it underscores the importance of workers in Chilean society and their contributions to the nation's progress. It is often marked by parades, rallies, and discussions about labor rights, making it an important cultural and political observance.

Constitutional Council Elections

Constitutional Council Elections, also known as "Elecciones del Consejo Constitucional," are held periodically to elect members of the Constitutional Council. This council plays a crucial role in Chile's political system, ensuring the constitutionality of laws and government actions. While not a traditional holiday, these elections are culturally significant as they reflect Chilean democracy and civic participation. They give citizens a voice in shaping the country's legal framework, making them an essential part of Chilean political life.

Navy Day

Navy Day, known as "Día de la Armada" in Chile, is celebrated on May 21st to honor the contributions and achievements of the Chilean Navy. This holiday holds cultural importance as it showcases Chile's maritime heritage and its commitment to safeguarding its coastline and maritime interests. The day is marked by naval parades, ceremonies, and public events, fostering national pride and unity. Navy Day serves as a reminder of the vital role the navy plays in Chile's history and security.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, known as "Corpus Christi" in Chile, is a Christian holiday that celebrates the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Chileans participate in church processions and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This holiday has cultural significance as it deepens the faith of Chilean Catholics and reinforces the importance of the Eucharist in their spiritual lives. It's a day for reflection on the significance of the sacrament and its role in the Catholic faith.

National Day of Indigenous Peoples

The National Day of Indigenous Peoples, known as "Día Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas" in Chile, is observed on the second Monday of October. It honors and recognizes the cultural contributions and heritage of Chile's indigenous communities. This day holds cultural importance as it highlights the rich diversity of Chile's indigenous cultures, languages, and traditions. It promotes cultural awareness and respect, fostering a sense of unity and understanding among all Chileans.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul

Saint Peter and Saint Paul, known as "San Pedro y San Pablo" in Chile, is a Christian holiday that commemorates the apostles Peter and Paul. It is observed with church services and processions. This holiday holds cultural significance as it strengthens the Christian faith and the cultural ties that bind the Chilean Catholic community. It's a day for Chileans to reflect on the lives and teachings of these saints and their importance in the history of Christianity.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, known as "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" in Chile, is a Catholic feast day dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is celebrated with church services, processions, and cultural events. This holiday has cultural significance as it emphasizes the devotion to the Virgin Mary and her role as a protector and intercessor. It fosters a sense of unity and faith within the Chilean Catholic community and highlights the cultural importance of Marian devotion in Chile.

Assumption of Mary

The Assumption of Mary, known as "Asunción de la Virgen María" in Chile, is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief that the Virgin Mary was taken into heaven. Chileans attend church services and processions to honor this event. This holiday has cultural significance as it reinforces the Christian faith and the role of Mary in the Catholic tradition. It's a day for Chilean Catholics to reflect on the spiritual significance of the Assumption and its cultural importance in their lives.

National Day

National Day, celebrated on September 18th, is known as "Fiestas Patrias" or "Dieciocho" in Chile. It marks Chile's independence from Spanish colonial rule. This holiday is culturally significant as it is the most important national celebration. Chileans come together for festivities, including traditional dances, music, food, and parades. It's a time to showcase Chilean culture and heritage, fostering national pride and unity. National Day is a cherished holiday that strengthens the cultural identity of the Chilean people.

Army Day

Army Day, known as "Día del Ejército" in Chile, is celebrated on September 19th to honor the contributions and achievements of the Chilean Army. This holiday holds cultural importance as it showcases Chile's military history and the role of the army in defending the nation. The day is marked by military parades, ceremonies, and public events, fostering national pride and unity. Army Day serves as a reminder of the vital role the army plays in Chile's history and security.

Day of the Discovery of Two Worlds

The Day of the Discovery of Two Worlds, known as "Día del Descubrimiento de Dos Mundos" in Chile, is celebrated on October 12th. It commemorates Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas. While not a traditional holiday, it is culturally significant as it reflects Chile's historical connections to the broader world and its indigenous heritage. The day promotes cultural awareness and understanding of the impact of European exploration on the Americas.

Reformation Day

Reformation Day, known as "Día de la Reforma" in Chile, is observed on October 31st to commemorate the Protestant Reformation. It is celebrated by Protestant Christian communities with church services and events. This holiday has cultural significance as it deepens the faith of Chilean Protestants and reinforces the values and teachings of the Reformation. It's a day for reflection on the impact of the Reformation on the Christian faith and its cultural importance in Chilean Protestantism.

All Saints' Day

All Saints' Day, known as "Día de Todos los Santos" in Chile, is a Christian holiday that honors all saints and martyrs. It is observed with church services and visits to cemeteries to remember loved ones who have passed away. This holiday has cultural significance as it emphasizes the importance of faith and the remembrance of departed souls in Chilean Catholic culture. It fosters a sense of unity and reflection on the spiritual connections between the living and the deceased.

Inmaculate Conception Day

Inmaculate Conception Day, known as "Día de la Inmaculada Concepción" in Chile, is a Catholic feast day dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. It is celebrated with church services, processions, and cultural events. This holiday has cultural significance as it emphasizes the purity and holiness of the Virgin Mary. It fosters a sense of devotion and faith within the Chilean Catholic community and highlights the cultural importance of Marian devotion in Chile.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, known as "Navidad," is a widely celebrated holiday in Chile that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is marked by festive church services, nativity scenes, and the sharing of special Christmas meals with family and friends. Children often receive gifts from "Viejito Pascuero" (Santa Claus). Christmas Day has cultural significance as it brings Chileans together in celebration of their Christian faith and the cultural traditions associated with Christmas. It's a time of joy, togetherness, and giving.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, known as "Nochevieja" in Chile, is celebrated on December 31st as the year comes to a close. It's a night of lively parties, fireworks, and countdowns to welcome the approaching new year. Chileans gather with family and friends to bid farewell to the old year and embrace the new one with hope and excitement. This holiday has cultural importance as it symbolizes new beginnings, unity, and the festive spirit of Chilean society. It's a time for reflection on the past and anticipation of the future.