> National Holidays > Bolivia

Upcoming Holidays and Celebrations in Bolivia


Discover the cultural treasures of Bolivia's national holidays, from Independence Day to Inti Raymi, as they unite tradition and celebration in a joyous embrace of heritage.

Day Date Holiday Type
Sunday Jan 01,2023 New Year's Day National holiday
Monday Jan 02,2023 Day off for New Year's Day National holiday
Friday Jan 06,2023 Epiphany Observance
Sunday Jan 22,2023 Plurinational State Foundation Day National holiday
Monday Jan 23,2023 Day off for Plurinational State Foundation Day National holiday
Thursday Feb 02,2023 Feast of Candelaria Observance
Monday Feb 20,2023 Carnival / Shrove Monday National holiday
Tuesday Feb 21,2023 Carnival / Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day National holiday
Sunday Mar 19,2023 Father Day Observance
Thursday Mar 23,2023 Day of the Sea Observance
Thursday Apr 06,2023 Maundy Thursday Observance, Christian
Friday Apr 07,2023 Good Friday National holiday, Christian
Wednesday Apr 12,2023 Children's Day Observance
Monday May 01,2023 May Day National holiday
Saturday May 27,2023 Mother's Day Observance
Thursday Jun 08,2023 Corpus Christi National holiday
Wednesday Jun 21,2023 Aymara New Year Day National holiday
Sunday Aug 06,2023 Independence Day National holiday
Monday Aug 07,2023 Day off for Independence Day National holiday
Thursday Aug 17,2023 Flag Day Observance
Wednesday Oct 11,2023 Bolivian Women's Day Observance
Thursday Oct 12,2023 Day of Decolonization Observance
Tuesday Oct 17,2023 Day of Dignity National holiday
Thursday Nov 02,2023 All Saints Day National holiday
Monday Dec 25,2023 Christmas Day National holiday, Christian
**Note: While we strive for accuracy in researching and updating holiday dates, some information in the table above might be preliminary. Should you come across any discrepancies, kindly inform us so we can ensure precise information. Thank you for your understanding!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, known as "Año Nuevo" in Bolivia, marks the beginning of the Gregorian calendar with festivities, fireworks, and social gatherings. It's a time for Bolivians to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with hope and joy. The cultural importance lies in the celebration of fresh beginnings and setting resolutions for personal growth and prosperity.


Epiphany, locally referred to as "Día de Reyes" or Three Kings' Day, is celebrated to commemorate the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus. Bolivians engage in parades and processions, with children receiving gifts from the Three Wise Men. This holiday symbolizes the fusion of indigenous and Christian traditions in Bolivia, showcasing the country's rich cultural diversity.

Plurinational State Foundation Day

Bolivia celebrates its Foundation Day on August 6th, recognizing the establishment of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in 1825. This holiday is of immense cultural significance, highlighting Bolivia's historical struggle for independence and its diverse indigenous heritage. Festivities include patriotic events, parades, and the display of the national flag.

Feast of Candelaria

The Feast of Candelaria is a religious celebration dedicated to the Virgin of Candelaria. Bolivians participate in processions, dance, and music to honor the Virgin Mary. This holiday underscores the strong influence of Catholicism in Bolivian culture and the fusion of indigenous traditions with Christian beliefs.

Carnival / Shrove Monday

Carnival in Bolivia is a lively and colorful festival marked by elaborate costumes, music, and dance. Shrove Monday, known as "Lunes de Carnaval," is part of the Carnival season. It's a time for revelry, where communities come together to celebrate and indulge in traditional foods and drinks. Carnival showcases the vibrancy and unity of Bolivian communities through their shared cultural festivities.

Carnival / Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day

Shrove Tuesday, or "Martes de Carnaval," is another festive day during Carnival season. Bolivians engage in pancake-making competitions and enjoy delicious pastries. This holiday emphasizes the joy of indulgence before the solemnity of Lent, reflecting the cultural significance of balancing celebration and reflection in Bolivian society.

Father Day

Father's Day, or "Día del Padre," is a day to honor and appreciate fathers and father figures. Families celebrate by spending quality time together and exchanging gifts. It emphasizes the importance of family bonds and expresses gratitude for paternal guidance and support, making it a culturally significant occasion in Bolivia.

Day of the Sea

The Day of the Sea, or "Día del Mar," commemorates Bolivia's maritime loss to Chile in the War of the Pacific. It's a day of reflection and national pride, highlighting Bolivia's historical struggle for access to the sea. The cultural importance lies in preserving the memory of this significant event in Bolivia's history and fostering a sense of national unity and determination.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday, also known as "Jueves Santo," is a Christian holiday that marks the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. Bolivians participate in religious processions and reenactments of this event. It reflects the deep-rooted Christian faith in Bolivia and serves as a cultural reminder of the spiritual significance of Easter.

Good Friday

Good Friday, or "Viernes Santo," is a solemn Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Bolivians observe this day with religious processions and ceremonies, emphasizing the significance of sacrifice and redemption in their culture. It's a time for contemplation and spiritual renewal, reinforcing the country's strong Catholic heritage.

Children's Day

Children's Day, or "Día del Niño," is a day dedicated to celebrating the well-being and rights of children. Families organize special activities, gifts, and outings for children. This holiday underscores Bolivia's commitment to the welfare of its youngest citizens, promoting a caring and nurturing society.

May Day

May Day, or "Día del Trabajador," is a global celebration of labor and workers' rights. Bolivians participate in labor rallies, parades, and social events to honor the contributions of workers to society. It reflects Bolivia's dedication to workers' rights and the cultural importance of solidarity among the labor force.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, or "Día de la Madre," is a day dedicated to honoring mothers and maternal figures. Families express their love and gratitude through gifts and gestures. This holiday celebrates the central role of mothers in Bolivian society and the cultural importance of family bonds and maternal care.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is a Catholic holiday that celebrates the Eucharist. Bolivians participate in processions, with priests carrying the Blessed Sacrament through the streets. This holiday reflects Bolivia's strong Catholic heritage and the cultural significance of faith and devotion in the country.

Aymara New Year Day

Aymara New Year's Day, also known as "Machaq Mara," is a celebration of the indigenous Aymara culture. It marks the winter solstice with traditional rituals and ceremonies, including offerings to Pachamama (Mother Earth). This holiday preserves and promotes the cultural heritage of the Aymara people, highlighting Bolivia's diverse indigenous traditions.

Independence Day

Independence Day, celebrated on August 6th, commemorates Bolivia's liberation from Spanish colonial rule in 1825. It's a day of patriotic pride, featuring parades, flag displays, and historical reenactments. This holiday is of paramount cultural importance, symbolizing Bolivia's sovereignty and the spirit of freedom that unites its people.

Flag Day

Flag Day, or "Día de la Bandera," is observed on August 17th to honor the national flag of Bolivia. It's a day of flag-raising ceremonies, patriotic speeches, and educational events. The cultural significance lies in fostering national identity and pride, emphasizing the importance of the flag as a symbol of unity and heritage in Bolivia.

Bolivian Women's Day

Bolivian Women's Day, or "Día de la Mujer Boliviana," celebrates the contributions and achievements of women in Bolivia. It's a day to recognize their vital role in society and advocate for gender equality. This holiday underscores the cultural importance of empowering women and promoting their rights in Bolivian culture.

Day of Decolonization

The Day of Decolonization, or "Día de la Descolonización," is a relatively new holiday in Bolivia, emphasizing the country's commitment to decolonizing its institutions and promoting indigenous rights. It reflects Bolivia's dedication to acknowledging and rectifying historical injustices, making it culturally significant in the context of indigenous empowerment and social justice.

Day of Dignity

The Day of Dignity, or "Día de la Dignidad," commemorates the Bolivian people's resistance and resilience during times of political and social struggle. It's a day to remember the importance of dignity in the face of adversity and to honor those who have fought for justice and human rights. This holiday underscores the cultural significance of courage and perseverance in Bolivian society.

All Saints Day

All Saints Day, or "Día de Todos los Santos," is a Catholic holiday dedicated to honoring all saints and martyrs. Bolivians visit cemeteries to pay respects to deceased loved ones. This holiday reflects Bolivia's deep-rooted Catholic traditions and cultural reverence for ancestors and the afterlife.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, known as "Navidad," is celebrated with religious fervor and festive gatherings. Bolivians attend midnight Mass, exchange gifts, and enjoy traditional foods like panettone. It emphasizes the birth of Jesus Christ and the cultural significance of family reunions, gift-giving, and spreading love and joy in Bolivian society during the holiday season.